August 29, 2011


"Dear Wooster Collective,

My name is Jack Addis after reading your post on the site on the 25th Aug, I realized I have been following your site since I was fifteen; I’m now twenty two!

7 years ago I sent over a submission of a single layer stencil, which to my surprise you guys emailed me back! I continued my art education and after a two-year college course I went to university for three more years and last year graduated in Fine Art Painting.

Its strange I feel as if I’ve grown up with your site, checking up at least weekly. For me it is a great source of inspiration and keeping up with news on what is happening in the art world.

So seven years later I’ve just moved to Bristol in the UK, trying to make it work as an artist. There is a vibrant art scene with shows of young artists happening weekly and much bigger events such as See No Evil, in which a whole street was painted by a selection of amazingly talented street artists.

I’ve attached a piece i've just been working on today, all my work is purely digital, glitching and data bending images to create work that is trying to deal with what its like to grow up in a ever increasing connected and digitalized world. If you have have time check out my blog for more!

Again thanks for being there guys your hard work and passion are a real inspiration to me, I hope your well

All the best

Jack Addis

Posted by marc at 7:12 AM in Art |

August 23, 2011

Digital Alphabet in Stone - Dom Hans van der Laan/Autobahn 2011 from autobahn on Vimeo.

Posted by marc at 8:32 AM in Art |

August 22, 2011


Posted by marc at 7:54 AM in Art |




"The art of temporary vandalism with dry-erase markers"

You can see more of Garrett's drawings here.

Posted by marc at 7:47 AM in Art |

June 21, 2011

For years we've been massive fans of the work of the Chinese contemporary artist Liu Bolin.

Back in December, over a bottle of wine with Liu Bolin's gallerist Eli Klein, we discussed bringing the artist to NYC to do a series of live outdoor performances, paintings, and photographs.

At the time, we said to Eli - "How cool would it be if Liu Bolin were to camouflage himself into Kenny Scharf's mural on Bowery and Houston"


After months of planning, and with the help of Tony Goldman and everyone at the Eli Klein Gallery, we actually pulled it off earlier today.

After flying in from China last night, Liu Bolin spent the morning being painted by his assistants.... and by Kenny Scharf himself.

Photo by Zachary Bako

Photo by Zachary Bako

Photo by Zachary Bako

Liu Bolin and Kenny Scharf

The results could not have been more spectacular.

While the final photos won't be released for a few more months, here's a sneak peak of what one of them looked like:

Photo by Samdarko Eltosam

Posted by marc at 4:51 PM in Art |

June 7, 2011

Madre from Andrew Telling on Vimeo.

Madre is a short film that documents artist Wordtomother time at Fame Festival, Italy in 2010.

Posted by marc at 7:51 AM in Art |

June 1, 2011


"Rather than placing art on the walls of a community, I want my work to become part of the community. My installations halved and attached to the walls, along with thickly drip painted pastes, jump off the walls and onto the same sidewalks members of the neighborhood walk on everyday.

How the Hunt works:

• 1 "centerpiece" art installation
• 10 flowers "planted" on or around Melrose and La Brea"


Posted by marc at 7:26 AM in Art |

May 18, 2011

Posted by marc at 6:37 AM in Art |

April 6, 2011





Posted by marc at 7:33 AM in Art |

March 20, 2011

NOVA the film from ROJO on Vimeo.

A sincere DIY documentary film on new art and the young artists behind it. Directed by Isaac Niemand, and produced by ROJO® in collaboration with BossaNovaFilms, it was all filmed on the heat of live action at ®Nova Contemporary Culture which happened in July and August 2010, in the Museum of Image and Sound, São Paulo, Brazil.

Works and/or words by:
Yoshi Sodeoka, Rebecca Ward, Tofer Chin, KRINK, Base V, Yochai Matos, Max Hattler, Highraff, Lucy McRae, Kit Webster, Jimmy Joe Roche, Flavio Samelo, Felipe Brait & Maira Valente, Shima, Matt W Moore, Zeitguised, Mulheres Barbadas, Gustavo Gagliardo aka Defi, Filippo Minelli, Quayola, Javier Longobardo, This Time, Renaud Hallée, Mark Jenkins, Ljudbilden & Piloten, Lolo, Sosaku Miyazaki, Anna Taratiel aka Ovni, Robert Seidel, Heiko Tippelt, B.Fleischmann, Koen Delaere, Taras Hrabowsky, Cristopher Cichocki, MOMO, Yusk Imai.

Music excerpts by:
Roll The Dice, Isan, B.Fleischmann, NOIA, Bradien, Ljudbilden & Piloten, Fase, Fuck Buttons.

Curated by: David Quiles Guilló.
Filmed, Edited and Directed by: Isaac Niemand

Posted by marc at 9:04 AM in Art |

March 8, 2011




Bo130. Remixed Sessions Paintings. Nibiru's Boards.
... an alien mental library !?...a codified reference scrapbook !?...
...a lysergic journey inside a comic strip...or inside Bo130's head !?

More here.

Posted by marc at 7:07 AM in Art |

March 2, 2011



From Hush - "
onethirty3 – Artists' Installation Space will host six innovative and exciting installations a year. The invited artists will create site-specific art installations which will provide a unique opportunity for visitors to experience large scale examples of the best in wall based painting from around the world.

(Basically the project was born out of an idea i had. I wanted to try and create the excitement and freedom of spontaneous work that replicated street work and the environment. At the same time i didn't want to compromise the artists gallery work or shows. It had to be something that was not just about sales.

We wanted it to be approached as an installation of wall based paintings which conveyed the action, excitement and street aesthetic inside four walls. The project also gives a theme to young talented local film makers and photographers, which we will be exhibiting there documentation works at the end of each year.

Each installation is complimented by a limited edition of 33 prints which really commemorate the artists installation. The idea of my partner Rachael running it and myself curating is also a great balance."

Posted by marc at 7:01 AM in Art |

February 24, 2011

Wooster Collective congratulates artist Vik Muniz on being honored by USA Network as one of twelve trailblazers who are changing the face of American culture. In the clip above, Vik explains his view of art and how the artist interacts with language and the larger universe. He also discusses the relationship that his art has with the public.

For the third year, the Character Approved Awards pays tribute to pioneers chosen from a cross-section of creative disciplines: architecture, art, design, fashion, film, food, music, social good, technology, theatre and writing.

The honorees are: Walter Hood (Architecture), Vik Muniz (Art), Emily Pilloton (Design), Prabal Gurung (Fashion), Davis Guggenheim (Film), Grant Achatz (Food), Blake Mycoskie (Giving), Janelle Monáe (Music), Dennis Crowley & Naveen Selvadurai (New Media), Lily Rabe (Theatre), and Nicole Krauss (Writing)

This year USA Network will be airing the inaugural Character Approved Awards telecast on Tuesday, March 8 at 11/10c.

(Note: Each week, Sara and I contribute to the USA Character Blog. You can read our posts here. USA Network is a client of my agency, Electric Artists)

Posted by marc at 5:04 AM in Art |

February 17, 2011


More here.

Posted by marc at 6:56 AM in Art |

February 15, 2011




I've got you a date with Botticelli's niece
Alexandros Vasmoulakis solo exhibition
February 15 - March 24, 2011 20 aristofanous st. 4th floor psyrri 10554 athens
+30 2103214994 - -

Posted by marc at 7:00 AM in Art |

February 14, 2011

Photo by RomanyWG

More info here.

Posted by marc at 7:08 AM in Art |

February 9, 2011

SAFEWALLS | LONDON 2011 (1/3) from SAFEWALLS on Vimeo.

SAFEWALLS | LONDON 2011 (2/3) from SAFEWALLS on Vimeo.

SAFEWALLS brings the vintage circus poster into the 21st century by pairing up visual artists from around the world to create original art posters inspired by Cirque du Soleil.

For the London stop over, the artist are: Jon Burgerman, Sweet Toof, Glenn Anderson

Every month for a period of 12 months, a temporary SAFEWALLS exhibit will be held in a predetermined city where a Cirque du Soleil show is running. In each city, three artists will be commissioned to produce an original alternative poster inspired by the show. The exhibit will be cumulative, growing in size as new artworks are added to the collection. The exhibit will physically travel the world in art galleries where Cirque du Soleil has touring or resident shows.

You can learn more about SAFEWALLS here.

Posted by marc at 7:32 AM in Art |

Crossing Lines from Andrew Telling on Vimeo.

Crossing Lines documents Conor Harrington;s trip to Tel Aviv, Israel and Bethleham, Palestine in May 2010.

Posted by marc at 7:24 AM in Art |

January 26, 2011

NOVA The Film (trailer) from ROJO on Vimeo.

Posted by marc at 7:25 AM in Art |

January 14, 2011




Posted by marc at 7:07 AM in Art |

Posted by marc at 6:49 AM in Art |

December 31, 2010


Posted by marc at 3:17 PM in Art |

"Nocturne On A Drainpipe Flute" from Armsrock on Vimeo.

210 drawings reproduced as 560 dia slides.
7 dia slide machines running in automatic loops.
WAS, Copenhagen, DK.

Posted by marc at 3:10 PM in Art |

December 23, 2010


Posted by marc at 2:40 PM in Art |

December 17, 2010

Papergirl #5 - The art of giving from CUTZ. on Vimeo.

Posted by marc at 8:11 AM in Art |

December 14, 2010


More from Paul here.

Posted by marc at 6:54 AM in Art |

December 13, 2010


More here.

Posted by marc at 7:07 AM in Art |

December 10, 2010

Posted by marc at 7:22 AM in Art |

December 7, 2010

25 Women Sketch Process (2010) from Ryan McGinness Studios, Inc. on Vimeo.

Posted by marc at 10:23 AM in Art |

December 6, 2010


More from Michael here.

Posted by marc at 6:36 AM in Art |

December 3, 2010


Posted by marc at 10:12 AM in Art |

November 30, 2010



From Elbow-Toe:

"For my first solo show in the UK, Due Date, I am exploring my preconceived notions of parenthood and the opportunities for growth that come through that process. I am presenting a series of narratives that flirt the line between fact and fiction; they are moments of autobiography that have been extrapolated to become allegories. As an artist in the process of trying to become a parent and living in one of the most parent-centric sections of NYC, I am keenly aware of the mania that strikes at the heart of parents young and old. In these paintings I am addressing fears (loss of individuation as well as of the proverbial unknown), the strengthening of bonds in times of crisis, the issues of trying to become a parent later in life and the wisdom gained through the process of parenting.

The work is divided into two groups: a set of images on panels, and a set of images on paper. In the more fully realized works on panel, all the actions are taking place in staged environments. The elements surrounding the figures are merely cardboard props, strictly for the purpose of giving the action of the figures a point of reference. The action of the figures is the reality of the image, everything else is just window dressing. The paint drips and splashes act as abstract gestures clearing things away yet never managing to obscure the events occurring on the stage. In the works on paper, the events being described are contained in a sea of white. By the very nature of the presentation the gestures and relationships are isolated and distilled.

The current body of work builds upon a process of art making that I have been refining for several years. I refer to the work as paper paintings rather than as collage. I see each piece of paper as a brushstroke rather than as a juxtaposed idea. Each brushstroke is selected for it's color, value and texture, rather than it's imagery."

Warrington Museum
Museum St
Warrington, Cheshire WA1 1JB, United Kingdom
December 4, 2010 - February 19, 2011

More images here.

Posted by marc at 6:41 AM in Art |

November 24, 2010




To say that 3TTMAN's latest projects in Vietnam are impressive would be a massive understatement. The project above is a massive mosaic wall located in the center of Hanoi. Most importantly, be sure to check out the "making of" documentation here.


Posted by marc at 7:09 AM in Art |

November 19, 2010

Waverly Development from Gaia on Vimeo.


Posted by marc at 7:56 AM in Art |

November 1, 2010









SInce 1994, Laura Spector and Chadwick Gray have been working on "Museum Anatomy" in which they recreate paintings from Museum Storage facilities onto the body and then document the painting through photography.

Posted by marc at 6:30 AM in Art |



SIT is an artist based in Amsterdam. His new series is called NOIR and for the first time was presented last weekend at Blooom/Art Fair 21 in Cologne. You can see more images from the series here.

Posted by marc at 5:40 AM in Art |

October 22, 2010





Posted by marc at 7:13 AM in Art |

October 18, 2010



Be sure to check out Aaskash's new show entitled OVERLAP opening Nov. 4th at Bose Pacia Gallery in New York

Posted by marc at 7:02 AM in Art |

Catharine Lyons-studio tour from Ethan H. Minsker on Vimeo.

Posted by marc at 6:57 AM in Art |

October 13, 2010


chiral | documentation projection & paper sculpture | MOCA Taipei 2010 from Robert Seidel on Vimeo.

Artist Statement:

"Projection & Paper Sculpture: Robert Seidel
Soundtrack: Richard Eigner

Chirality is a scientific term describing a structure that is not identical to its mirror image. “Chiral” collects cinematic etudes, which develop various conceptual approaches in order to expand the two-dimensional image into space. They are projected onto a sculpture (510 x 260 x 370 cm) and a screen (250 x 200 cm) made from handmade Taiwanese paper and develop very different lives on these configurations of the same material.

The amalgamation of volumetric lights sets ideas from Chinese calligraphy into motion and melts them with influences from European Art Informel as well as impasto painting to an abstract-organic sculpture. The installation is completed by a soundtrack by Austrian composer Richard Eigner ( With the premiere in MOCA Taipei the first iteration of the long-term project was presented…

Premiered at Tripolar Exhibition - 3 Positions of German Video Art
Museum of Contemporary Art (Taipei, Taiwan)
Date June 15th 2010 - July 18th 2010

Supported by Council of Culture Affairs Taiwan, Taipei Culture Foundation, Goethe-Institute Taipei, Eden Book Store
Sponsored by Optoma, Transcend, Asus

More info​chiral.174.0.html

Images here.

Posted by marc at 7:00 AM in Art |

October 10, 2010


In what has to be one of the most closely guarded secrets in TV history, the "couch gag" opening of tonight's episode of The Simpsons was storyboarded and directed by none other than Banksy. It's the first time an artist has been invited to storyboard part of the show and when you see it, you'll be shocked that it made it past the network executives.

Amazing, quite dark, and incredibly complex.

More soon...

Posted by marc at 8:14 PM in Art |

October 4, 2010


Posted by marc at 7:27 AM in Art |


Photo nicked from the always terrific NeochaEDGE

Posted by marc at 6:36 AM in Art |

September 21, 2010




More from Laguna here.

Posted by marc at 7:23 AM in Art |

Posted by marc at 7:09 AM in Art |

Posted by marc at 7:04 AM in Art |

September 16, 2010

TapeArt - Stella & Rex & Jurij Lozic from Multipraktik on Vimeo.

TapeArt - Fejzo & Luka Ursic from Multipraktik on Vimeo.

Posted by marc at 7:35 AM in Art |

September 15, 2010

"This summer mural painter Matt W. Moore created a series of live painting performances on walls in MARSEILLE, LYON, and PARIS. Directors Le Groupuscule captured the evolution of each mural, gathering over 700,000 pictures, that were edited as a stop-motion animation to an unreleased track by Monsieur Monsieur to create this music video. This collaboration of 3 artistic disciplines to make walls dance is part of the global initiative : Let's Colour Project."

Posted by marc at 7:22 AM in Art |

August 17, 2010



See the full set of images here.

Posted by marc at 7:12 AM in Art |

August 16, 2010

Posted by marc at 7:44 AM in Art |

July 15, 2010




"For this summer’s street art project I’m installing my Dark Doings imagery on highway interchanges, in heavily trafficked bottleneck locations. The idea is that each day, thousands of people stuck in traffic, captive in their cars, roll by my pieces at 2 miles an hour. Almost to a person, the immediate reaction to the pieces seems to be, “WHAT THE FUCK?”, so I’m calling the series, WHAT THE %$#@? (WTF)"... Dan Witz

Be sure to check out Dan's new book, In Plain View, now out from Ginko Press. It's terrific.

Posted by marc at 6:24 AM in Art |

July 13, 2010

Graffiti Proposal from PR!MO on Vimeo.

Posted by marc at 9:28 PM in Art |




More here.

One Not To Miss: Kelsey Brookes Now at New Image Art in Los Angeles

Posted by marc at 8:33 PM in Art |

July 7, 2010




More here.

Posted by marc at 8:49 PM in Art |



From Alexander:

"My art practice focuses on the notion of the “inner landscape”. Using generally discarded materials, I make objects as an invitation to the viewer to engage her/his own inner life in order to assign meaning to the artwork.

The cut book art has been made by working through the books, page by page, cutting around some of the illustrations while removing others. The images seen in the finished work, are left standing in the place where they would appear in the complete book. As a final step the book is sealed around the cut, and can no longer be opened. As we remember the books from our own past, certain fragments remain with us while others fade away over time – phrases and passages, mental images we created, the way the stories made us feel and the thoughts they inspired"

More here.

Posted by marc at 7:40 AM in Art |

July 1, 2010




Jonathan Yeo
"Porn In The U.S.A."
320 North Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills CA 90210
Exhibition: July 9 - August 9

Posted by marc at 6:37 AM in Art |

June 14, 2010


Artist: Michael James Hawk

Posted by marc at 7:55 AM in Art |

June 11, 2010

Posted by marc at 7:20 AM in Art |

June 9, 2010




From Rachel:

"These photographs from a series I just completed in San Francisco. The most common misconception is that the pictures are doctored in Photoshop. On the contrary I used the city's architecture as a means to hang and plant my cutouts. The photographs are taken from a specific point of view to reveal the fragility of my little fantasy worlds."

Posted by marc at 6:46 AM in Art |

May 29, 2010


Posted by marc at 5:54 PM in Art |

May 22, 2010




Richard Colman’s solo exhibition opens this weekend at New Image Art. It is his first LA solo in 3 years.

Opening Reception Saturday, May 22

New Image Art Gallery
7908 Santa Monica Blvd.
West Hollywood, CA 90046
T: 323.654.2192

Posted by marc at 8:38 AM in Art |

May 21, 2010




About 500 red ants are spread in the city of Drachten, The Netherlands. Most of them came together in front of the theatre De Lawei, to celebrate its 50th anniversary. Each ant is three meters in length and two meters wide. The ants on the building are from synthetic material.

More from Henk here.

Posted by marc at 7:36 AM in Art |


Be sure to see all the photos here.

Posted by marc at 7:03 AM in Art |

May 14, 2010


Tonight ROA comes to Brooklyn and the "inside becomes the outside" at Factory Fresh. After searching for scrap materials and painting furiously inside Factory Fresh for the last eight days and nights the doors to ROA's concrete jungle will open at 7pm (Friday, May 14)

Factory Fresh is located at 1053 Flushing Avenue between Morgan and Knickerbocker, off the L train Morgan Stop

Posted by marc at 7:36 AM in Art |

May 10, 2010

“Pepper is a true street artist in the purist sense. Hes known to some by his altar ego; the Mayor of Skid Row, and hes proud to proclaim that hes the last homeless person on the forefront of downtown LAs gentrification. He lives on Santa Fe Ave. where years ago a large tent city used to be, the last holdout.

When I was younger and creeping around downtown, I would notice these colorful, bold, and scrappy art instillations. Pepper has a habit of decorating his immediate surroundings, wherever that might be, with multi-colored paint splats, piled on discarded toys, and other purposefully arranged found objects. You can frequently catch him running around the city with his red shopping cart full of freshly discarded trinkets.

The print Peppers World, and the mural I painted on 7th and Mateo that it inspired, is in homage to his existence. I have enormous respect for those who can survive in such extreme conditions yet still be able to express themselves creatively.”

-Saber AWR/MSK, 2010

Posted by marc at 8:19 AM in Art |

The Sketchbook Party from Ethan H. Minsker on Vimeo.

Posted by marc at 8:14 AM in Art |




Artists: Janaunjs, from Les Lézards de la Bièvre's Crew

Posted by marc at 7:58 AM in Art |

Posted by marc at 7:43 AM in Art |

Posted by marc at 7:40 AM in Art |

May 5, 2010



Last week L'Atlas performed one of his geometric design performances on Oberbaumbrucke, one of the original intersections of East and West Berlin.

Just was there to take some terrific photos. (See the whole series here)

L'Atlas is in Berlin for a group show, 'Kiss the City' with fellow French artists Babou, Sun7 and Tanc at Skalitzers gallery.

'Kiss the City': L'Atlas, Babou, Sun7 and Tanc
May 1, 2010 through May 28, 2010

Posted by marc at 6:58 AM in Art |

May 4, 2010

"Sun Boxes are twenty speakers operating independently each powered by solar panels. There is a different guitar sample in each box all playing together making the composition. The guitar samples are all of different lengths so the whole piece keeps evolving.

Participants are encouraged to walk amongst the speakers. It sounds different inside of the array. There is a different sense of space inside. Certain speakers will be closer and louder therefore the piece will sound different to different people in different positions throughout the array. Creating a unique experience for everyone.

There are no batteries involved. The Sun Boxes are reliant on the sun. When the sun sets the music stops. The piece changes as the length of the day changes. Making the participants aware of the cycle of the day."

Posted by marc at 7:27 AM in Art |




Stupid Has A New Hero
New Paintings by Charming Baker
Reception May 13, 2010 @ 6pm
May 14, 2010 through May 29, 2010

NY Studio Gallery on the Lower East Side
154 Stanton St. • New York, NY 10002
PHONE: 212.627.3276 • EMAIL: • URL:

Posted by marc at 7:18 AM in Art |

April 30, 2010


Check the BBC's website for a terrific photo series on painted trucks in Pakistan.

Posted by marc at 7:38 AM in Art |


George will have a solo show with Redpropeller gallery in October.

Posted by marc at 7:09 AM in Art |

Art Of Darkness from videostorytelling on Vimeo.

You can learn more about Nate Hill's performance art here.

Posted by marc at 6:55 AM in Art |

April 26, 2010


Posted by marc at 6:27 AM in Art |

April 25, 2010

Posted by marc at 4:28 PM in Art |

April 22, 2010



Yesterday, as he was finishing his new mural on Houston Street in New York, Cameron had a chance to catch up with Shepard Fairey as he spoke about street art, Banksy's new film, and his upcoming show at Deitch Projects which opens on May 1st.

Posted by marc at 11:48 AM in Art |

April 20, 2010


The second of three London Police prints from BLDG's "The London Police Ride Again" will be released on Thursday. More info here.

More from TLP here.

Posted by marc at 7:35 AM in Art |

Scion Presents: 'ROOMS' from Scion ART on Vimeo.

Posted by marc at 7:24 AM in Art |

April 16, 2010

Posted by marc at 6:35 AM in Art |

April 12, 2010





David Lyle will be showing new paintings starting Friday April 23 at Lyons Wier Gallery in New York City. The show is titled " At the End of the Day."

Opening Reception:
Friday April 23rd 6:00- 9:00 P.M.
Lyons Wier Gallery, 175 7th Ave at 20th street in New York, NY

Posted by marc at 9:13 AM in Art |

March 30, 2010


If you're so inclined, you can purchase the print here.

Posted by marc at 7:56 AM in Art |

March 29, 2010




We were thrilled to open our email box this morning to find out that one of our favorite artists Jessica Joslin has finished the lastest collection of her sculptures. Jessica's work combines bone fragments with things like antique brass, hardware, glove leather, fur, sterling silver, glass eyes, silver teapot spouts, and more.

We're thrilled to let you know that Jessica new solo show "Brass & Bone" opens next week at Lisa Sette Gallery in Scottsdale, Arizona.

To see more of the work, click here.

Brass & Bone
Lisa Sette Gallery
April 1 – 24, 2010
Opening April 1st, 7 - 9pm

Posted by marc at 6:38 AM in Art |

March 26, 2010


Jessica Albarn's new show "The Birds and the Bees…..and the Butterflies!" opens at the Nelly Duff Gallery on 8th April 2010. More info here.

Posted by marc at 7:44 AM in Art |

March 24, 2010


STEN LEX stencil poster from STEN on Vimeo.


Sara and I have been following the work of Sten and Lex in Italy for many years. We' absolutel love their latest body of work, created for their current solo show at the CO2 GALLERY in Rome.

They call this recent series "Poster Stencils" because, in essence, they are both stencils and posters at the same time. The video above shows their process of pasting up the matrix of the stencil, cut on paper, on a panel of wood as a poster. They then paint on the matrix in black and when it all all dry they destroy the matrix, letting some parts of the matrix stay pasted to the wood. In this manner the stencil is not reproducible and the matrix "dies" in the work itself.

Posted by marc at 7:22 AM in Art |

March 23, 2010

"Modern day vampires delve into the night and steal the souls of the innocent. Directed and Filmed by Pogus Caesar"

Posted by marc at 6:56 AM in Art |

March 19, 2010




More from Best Ever here.

Posted by marc at 7:40 AM in Art |

March 17, 2010


For us, there's nothing more thrilling than seeing an artist whose work you love, push their work (and themselves) into new areas that (pardon the cliched phrase) takes things to a new level.

We felt just that thrill and excitement when we received a photo of the latest piece by C215.. We're thrilled to see that C215 has begun to find a new voice within his work. We can't wait to see what is to come.

Posted by marc at 7:43 AM in Art |

March 13, 2010


You can see more of Simon's work here.

Posted by marc at 7:58 AM in Art |

March 10, 2010




You can see more of Rai Escale's art here.

Posted by marc at 7:03 AM in Art |

March 2, 2010

Posted by marc at 8:03 AM in Art |


More from Lister here. Lister's new exhibition will open on March 19th at the Lyons Wier Gallery in New York.

Posted by marc at 7:03 AM in Art |

March 1, 2010


It's not often that brands and artists can collaborate successfully. Rebecca Ward and Kate Spade have hit the mark a second time with Rebecca's installation at the Kate Spade Spring St. store. We love tape artists such as Mark Jenkins and Mark Khaisman and Rebecca's day-glow colors truly bring the store to life. A young artist hailing from Texas, Rebecca truly captures the energy of NYC and utilizes the loft space of the SoHo store. What's her dream building? Epcot. Check out her work and the re-mixed purses at Kate Spade, Mercer St. SoHo.




(Photos and Video by Cameron Schiller)

Posted by marc at 8:54 PM in Art |

February 15, 2010

Posted by marc at 3:14 PM in Art |

February 4, 2010

Posted by marc at 8:04 AM in Art |

January 27, 2010

Will Barras x RUN improvised overhead painting from Original Cultures on Vimeo.

Posted by marc at 6:52 AM in Art |

January 16, 2010



Nick Gentry is an artist from London who paints on floppy disks and other obsolete media formats. You can see more of his work here.

Posted by marc at 8:26 AM in Art |



From Joey Syta:

"Taking two years to complete, I created My Only Desire, a rendition of The Lady and the Unicorn, a famous 15th century French tapestry using only Lite-Brite materials that I acquired from eBay auctions. The work is about 5 feet tall by 6 feet wide and is made from 36 overlapping pegboards comprised of approximately 55,000 pegs.

The final viewing is this Sunday the 17th at Brooklynite Gallery, 334 Malcolm X Blvd., from 6 to 8pm."


Posted by marc at 8:08 AM in Art |

January 4, 2010



More from Brian here.

Posted by marc at 10:40 AM in Art |

November 29, 2009



Laundry Installation By Dag Designlab

Posted by marc at 6:56 PM in Art |

November 13, 2009


More from Jace here.

Posted by marc at 8:04 AM in Art |

November 3, 2009





More from Miss Bugs here.

Posted by marc at 7:58 AM in Art |

November 1, 2009

Posted by marc at 5:32 PM in Art |

October 30, 2009

(be sure to click to enlarge)

You can learn more about Jon's new solo show in China by clicking here.

Posted by marc at 7:42 AM in Art |

October 28, 2009


If you're a regular reader of the Wooster site then you know we're big fans of both Alexandros Vasmoulakis and Zak Smith. Check out Zak's interview with Alexandros for The Rumpus here.

Posted by marc at 8:07 AM in Art |

October 13, 2009


More from Yulia here.

Posted by marc at 7:16 AM in Art |

October 10, 2009


You can see more of Thaniel Lee's work here.

Posted by marc at 5:37 AM in Art |

Posted by marc at 5:26 AM in Art |

October 7, 2009


We're pleased and excited to let you know that this week we are launching a new weekly interview series developed exclusively for our friends at GOOD Magazine.

This week's installment is an interview with artist Martin Sobey. You can check it out on GOOD's website here.

Posted by marc at 6:52 AM in Art |


We're pleased and excited to let you know that this week we are launching a new weekly interview series developed exclusively for our friends at GOOD Magazine.

This week's installment is an interview with artist Martin Sobey. You can check it out on GOOD's website here.

Posted by marc at 6:52 AM in Art |

October 6, 2009

(click to enlarge)

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From about the ChoeBot's here.

(click to enlarge)

Posted by marc at 6:30 AM in Art |

October 5, 2009

Herakut & Style and the Family Tunes from stylemag on Vimeo.

Posted by marc at 7:11 AM in Art |

October 3, 2009

If you're in Los Angeles be sure to check out case's latest work at the Carmichael Gallery.


The L.A. case
Opening Reception: Thursday October 8 2009 / 7.00pm – 10.00pm
Please RSVP to
Exhibition Dates: October 8 – October 29
Address: Carmichael Gallery / 1257 N. La Brea Ave / West Hollywood CA 90038

Posted by marc at 9:03 AM in Art |



"I explore the intersection of fashion and consumerism, using collage as a drawing tool. I collect, reclaim, and reuse Duratrans (the ever present light box advertisements) and fragrance campaign posters seen within department stores as a source material.

Employing a reductive language, I flirt with the viewer’s gaze by altering the material’s surface. By cutting away imagery pulled from luxury item advertising I reveal a new conversation with broad references to the female form. Gucci links, William Morris, art nouveau, tears and textiles intertwine as they overtake the seduction of these advertisements within a consumer culture. Ultimately commenting upon the American lust for material gratification."... Tory Wright

Posted by marc at 5:17 AM in Art |

September 30, 2009


If you're in London, be sure to check out 'Lovestain', a new solo exhibition of work by Miss Van at the Stolenspace Gallery. The show opens tomorrow, Thursday, and from images we've seen, looks absolutely amazing.

StolenSpace Gallery
& Dray Walk Gallery
(2 space show)
Old Truman Brewery
E1 6QL
Nearest Tube: Aldgate East

Posted by marc at 7:36 AM in Art |

September 29, 2009


Nice to see that our friend alexone has launched a new blog.

Posted by marc at 7:45 AM in Art |

September 24, 2009

Posted by marc at 8:04 AM in Art |

September 23, 2009


Arrested Motion has a terrific interview with one of our favorite artists, Antony Micallef .

Here's an excerpt:

AM: The faces of your subjects are often smudged, even disfigured. Are you attempting to hide part of the subject?

Ant: It’s funny because when I draw, most of the things that get destroyed are the heads. I’ll keep drawing and drawing and these things just blossom. This might sound a bit weird, but the way I visualize the piece in my head is that you see this face coming towards you from under the surface of water. I’ll probably get about 5 come up before I get the one I want. I might try and tweak them, but end up destroying them and then you have to carry on working until something else comes up.

It’s quite good to have a camera phone to take pictures of the work, but then the pictures you take aren’t hi-res. Some of the heads I’ll think are ok, I won’t need to take a picture. Then, I tweak it a little but then it’s just gone completely and changed into something else.

I don’t think it’s about trying to hide beauty, but I’m trying to find something else rather than just looking at a head. I always use my own head as the structure, but I never see them as me. I suppose a few of them when they come out might look like me and they are more like self portraits.

AM: So are you conceiving the bone structure and the skull and building the paint up from there?

Ant: Yeah, it’s like starting with a scaffolding and then I want to flesh it out. The heads have their own identities that come out during the process. They just arrive.

Read the whole interview here.

Posted by marc at 7:30 AM in Art |

September 22, 2009


Posted by marc at 8:24 PM in Art |

September 21, 2009

(be sure to click to enlarge)

(be sure to click to enlarge)

Photos nicked from David's blog here.

Posted by marc at 8:57 AM in Art |

September 19, 2009


More from Faith47 here.

Posted by marc at 6:51 AM in Art |

September 12, 2009

The Antagonist Art Movement - For Dummies from Anthony Ferraro on Vimeo.

Learn more here.

Posted by marc at 6:38 AM in Art |


Artist: Karen Fiorito

Posted by marc at 6:35 AM in Art |


HelloVon "Semblance" opens September 19 at the Cerasoli Gallery in Los Angeles.

Cerasoli Gallery
8530-B Washington Blvd, Culver City CA 90232

Posted by marc at 5:58 AM in Art |

September 3, 2009

Posted by marc at 7:32 PM in Art |


You can see more of Patrick's work here.

Posted by marc at 9:09 AM in Art |



As the days count down to the London Police's upcoming solo exhibition opening on September 10th at the Carmichael Gallery in Los Angeles, Elisa Carmichael has posted a terrific interview with Chaz and Bob on the 45ers Posterous blog. If you don't know the history of TLP, definitely check it out. We also encourage you to check out the new TLP website as it's a terrific showcase of the new work.

The London Police
Brothers in Arms
Opening Reception: Thursday September 10 2009 / 7.00pm – 10.00pm
Please RSVP to
Exhibition Dates: September 10 – October 1

Posted by marc at 8:16 AM in Art |

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ARMOgedon 2057 is a Los Angeles based artist who's work brings together a combination of typographic elements, sculpture, and graffiti lettering. We love it.

Posted by marc at 7:26 AM in Art |

August 27, 2009


Artist: Pedro Matos

Posted by marc at 8:12 AM in Art |

August 26, 2009

Posted by marc at 8:11 AM in Art |


Sam3 will be showing new work at Anno Domini in San Jose, Ca on September 4th. The exhibit will be on view through October 17, 2009

Anno Domini // the second coming of Art & Design
366 South First Street, San Jose, CA 95113 408.271.5155

gallery hours:
Tuesday thru Friday, Noon - 7pm
Saturday, Noon - 5pm
First Fridays 8pm 'til late.

Posted by marc at 7:40 AM in Art |

August 24, 2009




Photos by S. Duncan

Posted by marc at 7:07 AM in Art |

August 19, 2009


Posted by marc at 7:49 AM in Art |

(click to enlarge)

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What we love about Specter's work is that all of his pieces are hand painted and site specific. The work above, done in Brooklyn, is from a new project about consumption and waste called "Discarded"

You can see more of the project here.

Posted by marc at 7:38 AM in Art |

August 14, 2009


Posted by marc at 12:47 PM in Art |

August 13, 2009


More from Elbow-Toe here.

Posted by marc at 7:26 AM in Art |

August 11, 2009

More from Fly On The Wall here.

(Hat tip to Faith47)

Posted by marc at 6:30 AM in Art |

August 7, 2009


Artist: Roma

Posted by marc at 10:23 AM in Art |



More here.

Posted by marc at 10:11 AM in Art |

August 3, 2009

Photo: Jaime Rojo

This Friday night, August 7th, Chris Stain and Armsrock will open their new show, "I know there is love" at the Ad Hoc Gallery in Brooklyn. It will undoubtedly by terrific...

Ad Hoc Art Gallery
49 Bogart Street
Brooklyn, NY 11206

Posted by marc at 8:04 AM in Art |

July 29, 2009


From Nicola:

"Faber and the old town (Fabrizio De Andrè 1940-1999) was a day of music, dance and art in a neighborhood of the historical center of Genoa, the old Jewish ghetto, a place where nowaday immigrants, prostitutes, victims of slave trade, transsexuals, pushers and drug consumers live and work. The bet was to involve the most citizens, tourists, people of every race and colour, as possible to pull down, at least for a day, all the prejudices and for starting a process of tolerance and cohabitation. I was involved by a friend to be part of the event (organized by Comunità di San Benedetto al Porto, Comune di Genova, Fondazione De Andrè e Radio Popolare) and I realized a series of mixed technique panels for a street art installation.

Photographer:Astrid Fornetti.

Posted by marc at 8:07 AM in Art |

July 28, 2009


The latest artist to be interviewed by Zak Smith on The Rumpus is Anthony Lister. Here's an excerpt:

Zak Smith: Can you grab one or two of your paintings and describe the situation that inspired it?

Anthony Lister: This piece, titled HOLY MOLY (mixed media on canvas, painted 2008), is based on a story about Britney Spears’ sister having a baby. I initially painted a picture of a pretty young woman with a baby spitting lottery balls out of its vagina as if to suggest that children are a metaphor for the Holy Grail. It is a painting about fertility, miss-guided youth and predators within social networks and in the media.

You can read the full interview here.

Posted by marc at 7:30 AM in Art |

July 27, 2009

Posted by marc at 8:17 AM in Art |

July 21, 2009


Posted by marc at 8:15 AM in Art |

July 16, 2009

More from JMR here.

Posted by marc at 7:12 AM in Art |





Posted by marc at 7:01 AM in Art |

July 15, 2009


Sara and I were extremely saddened to hear yesterday that Dash Snow, an artist who for us truly personified the "downtown" art scene here in New York, died Monday night of a heroin overdose.

It seemed like every week, especially in the summer, we'd see Dash riding his bike through the streets in our neighborhood. If you live in New York than you know his influence was deeply felt: on the streets through his graffiti, in local galleries through his artwork, and at parties and events through his physical presence. There was no question that Dash Snow lived on the edge. You felt it in everything he did.

Our sincere condolences go out to Dash's family, his friends, and his loved ones.

Most sadly, Secret Snow, Dash's daughter, will turn two years old next month.


Posted by marc at 6:37 AM in Art |

Unfortunately we weren't able to attend Charming Baker's recent opening at the Redchurch Street Gallery in Shoreditch. The solo show features ten new paintings, five new prints and "limited edition cakes".



Posted by marc at 6:22 AM in Art |

July 9, 2009

WK Interact Q&A from George Koroneos on Vimeo.

Posted by marc at 2:16 PM in Art |

July 3, 2009

AJ Fosik Artist Profile from Kwality Media on Vimeo.

Posted by marc at 3:14 AM in Art |

June 30, 2009




It's always exciting when you see an artist push his or her work into new places.

We've been fans of Eine's lettering for quite a while. And for us, his new series, created for next weeks opening at the Carmichael Gallery of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, takes his work to a whole new "place". The trademark typography is still in place, but in "The A – Z of Change" Eine's incorporated into the work images from archival photographs that champion the actions of those who stand up against the status quo and create cultural and political movements that make change possible.

If you are in LA, be sure to check out the new show. It looks terrific Here's the info:

Show Details:

Eine's "The A – Z of Change"
Opening Reception: Thursday July 9 2009 / 7.00pm – 10.00pm
Exhibition Dates: July 9 – July 30 2009
Address: Carmichael Gallery / 1257 N. La Brea Ave / West Hollywood / CA / 90038

Posted by marc at 8:08 AM in Art |




If you're in New York City tomorrow night (Wednesday, July 1st) be sure to stop by the Jonathan LeVive Gallery where WK will be signing his new book from 6-8pm. You can find more information here.

In addition, to celebrate the new show, WK has released three new prints (shown above) that can be purchased exclusively from the gallery. We love 'em.

Posted by marc at 7:52 AM in Art |

June 28, 2009



(click to enlarge photos above)

VHILS' first solo exhibition in London, Scratching The Surface, is set to open on the 3rd of July to 1st August at the Lazarides Gallery on Rathbone Place.

The show features a series of new works that are inspired by his home town of Lisbon. Vhils' portriats are made using acid and bleach, as they eat into surfaces to expose layers of posters beneath.

Posted by marc at 8:33 PM in Art |




(click photos above to expand)

Earlier today Dan Witz sent us a preview of his summer project which he's calling "Dark Doings." He tells us - "I don't think I've ever been as excited as I am about this work I'm doing now... I'm calling it, "Dark Doings", inspired by my recent time in Amsterdam's red light district."

You can see more from the series here.

Posted by marc at 8:04 PM in Art |

June 25, 2009



Conor Harrington recently kicked off the summer in the Italian countryside of Grottaglie for the Fame Festival.The tower above can be found amongst the vineyards. You can see more on Conor's blog here.

Posted by marc at 7:42 AM in Art |

June 23, 2009




Rosemarie Fiore's firework drawings are created by containing and controlling firework explosions. She explains:

"I bomb blank sheets of paper with different fireworks including color smoke bombs, jumping jacks, monster balls, fountains, magic whips, spinning carnations, ground blooms, rings of fire, and lasers. As I work, I create imagery by controlling the chaotic nature of the explosions in upside-down containers. When the paper becomes saturated in color, dark and burned, I take it back to my studio and collage blank paper circles onto the image to establish new planes and open up the composition. I then continue to bomb the pieces. These actions are repeated a number of times. The final works contain many layers of collaged explosions and are thick and heavy."

We love 'em. You can see more photos and work here.

Posted by marc at 8:28 AM in Art |

June 19, 2009



WK Interact's new solo exhibition, Motion Portrait, opens Saturday June 27th at the Jonathan LeVine Gallery in New York. (The same night at Invader's show at Jonathan LeVine Gallery)

WK's new portrait series, entitled 12 Angry Men (referencing the classic film), portrays the faces of twelve men. It's the first time WK has focused exclusively on faces rather than on the entire body in motion. What's cool about the new work is that it's made solely with with a sponge and large brush with nothing painted over during the process.


Posted by marc at 7:35 AM in Art |

June 10, 2009

A couple of weeks ago on our Facebook fan page, we asked the following question, just to see how people would respond:

"If I gave you $50 today, with the condition that you had to spend it on "art", what would you do with it?"

The question was very popular. We immediately received a ton of wonderful answers. 85 in all.

Later that night, talking with Sara, we thought it would be fun to actually fund a few of the responses that were posted. It wasn't something that we had thought about when we asked the question. We were just curious what people would say.

One response that we liked a lot came from Ché Francisco Ortiz. He wrote:

"Buy a ton of sidewalk chalk and give it out to every kid i saw at the park or boardwalk."

So that night we sent Che $50 to buy his chalk via Paypal.

This past weekend Che bought the chalk and headed to the boardwalk.

Yesterday we received a link to Che's Flickr site which includes tons of photos of kids and their parents drawing and having an amazing time.

We were absolutely thrilled.




Posted by marc at 8:23 AM in Art |

June 7, 2009



"I made a new Identity Series of a local guy named Santo, as well as a new direction using walls that have weatherproofing foam. I draw the outlines by eye and sand down the positive spaces to create the silhouettes. They are life size and placed within the outlines of the rooms that used to be there."... Jorge Rodriguez Gerada

Posted by marc at 8:10 PM in Art |

June 5, 2009


Later tonight at the Carmichael gallery in Los Angeles, Dublin based artist Asbestos will be showing new work.

The piece above is called "Retreat of Reason"

Asbestos tells us:

"It's a portrait of my father painted onto 5 separate pieces that are built from nearly 40 smaller triangles of wood that I found in skips in Dublin, Belfast, London and and on the beaches of Kerry. It builds on a new direction in my work, using triangles as the core element. I think the triangle is the coolest shape, the shape that's got the most personality. These new triangulated works are influenced by early cubism, deconstructionist architecture and Delauneys theory of triangulation and have the subject of the piece consumed by these angular shapes."

Posted by marc at 8:03 AM in Art |

June 3, 2009


From Jasper van Es.

"I made this last night. It's an image of a girl made with textile and wood and put up on the bottom of the bridge. When the bridge is closed you won't see a thing. But when the bridge opens the girl will rise like a giant getting out of the water.

Next to the bridge there is a tree where you will find some old articles about the identity of the girl.

Her name was Antoinette Reinders, the 18 year daughter of the bridge-keeper. Its a true story about the mysterious murder on the girl back in 1938.

The girl got murdered next to the bridge and the police never solved it. They still don't know what the weapon was, the motive or the person who did it.

You can see the work in Tilburg, the Netherlands at the Bridge on the Petrus Loosjesstraat (the neighborhood is called kanaalzone)

Until the police or some vandal on a boat comes to destroy it.

Posted by marc at 8:39 AM in Art |

May 31, 2009


"I'm working on the topic of Freemasonry - playing with the graphics from the early 1900's"... Termine Growth.

Posted by marc at 8:19 PM in Art |

May 25, 2009


From from Rekal here.

Posted by marc at 7:48 AM in Art |

Zevs has updated his website with photos of past and recent project. We love the Electric Rainbows that he exchanged for advertisements back 2007:


Posted by marc at 7:19 AM in Art |

May 17, 2009



Ginou Choueiri is Lebanese artist living in Beirut. She says about her potato portraits:

"I chose the potato to portray human faces because of the many striking parallels. Not only is their skin porous like ours, but their skin texture and color is very similar, and like us, they come in different sizes, shapes and forms. Potatoes grow, live, and then decay, mirroring the ephemeral existence and fragility of our own human nature."

Posted by marc at 5:58 PM in Art |


One of our favorite artists collectives is Bruce High Quality Foundation. If you're not familiar with their "Public Sculpture Tackles" here's their artists statement:

"Public sculpture is not merely a designed fight against the elements of nature, it is also a fight against people, against rambunctious children, graffiti writers, pigeon poop, and the homeless. It is the very character of public sculpture to be, first and foremost, on defense. The cube tilted on its corner is but the most obvious example of a defensive design approach to art’s engagement with the public.

The series of photographs, Public Sculpture Tackle, documents another approach to public art – the design of failure. Artists dressed in makeshift athletic uniforms and padding leap and lunge against a number of different public sculptures in Manhattan. In a contest between individualistic energy and engineered public adornment, we all know who will win.

Ad Reinhardt, understanding the full paradox of the eternal aspirations of art, titled one of his nearly black paintings, Timeless Painting, 1960. It is this continuing contest between timelessness and timeliness that forms the context for the Public Sculpture Tackle series. The photographs hold fast the humor and pathos of a moment when art does what it does – whatever we ought not bother trying, or as Bruce might have it – the impossible."

Posted by marc at 11:56 AM in Art |

A few weeks ago, Vhils showed us a rough cut of a short film he was making about new work he was doing in Portugal. We were blown away, not just by the piece but also from how exquisitely is was filmed.

This morning Vhils put the final film up on Youtube. We love the film and the text that goes with it:

Scratching the Surface

“Sous les pavés, la plage!” (Beneath the paving stones - the beach!) - Anonymous graffiti, Paris 1968.

Paris, May 1968. When the enragés started digging up the stones from the Boulevard St. Michel to use them as weapons against the forces of the old order, they came upon the sand that covered the surface underneath them. The earth. Beneath the concrete, the earth. Beneath the urban environment, nature. Beneath the artificial, life.

Behind all these brick and concrete walls, these dull, grey surfaces that condition our existence, behind all of these cities, there is life. There are individuals, there is nature. “Scratching the surface” is an act of creation taken from lifeless forms. It is the subversion of lifeless forms. The act of engraving the idea of life on a wall, of creating the image of an individual, an iconographic piece of representational symbolism that will endure. As if rendering him eternal by bringing him to life where life was not supposed to be. By carving it out of that which is still-born by its very nature, by its design.

So until the symbolical demise of all walls that separate, that impose, that condition, of a social system that overbuilds in order to control and perpetuate its grasp on the divisions that stem from this eternal partitioning and keep individuals in place, it will be easier and easier to forget who we are, where we come from and what nature is really all about. How easy it is to lose track of what our nature really is while caught amid this saturated, un-organic environment. "

Vhils is currently working on work for an upcoming solo show at Steve Lazarides' new gallery on Rathbone Place, Fitzrovia. Vhils' work is stunning in video and photos on the web, but nothing beats seeing the work first hand.

Posted by marc at 10:41 AM in Art |

May 15, 2009


We've highlighted the work of Jan Vormann a few times on the Wooster site. His new work can be found in Berlin, mostly inside holes that have remained since World War II.

Jan tells us - "At some very touristic hot-spot, (kupfergraben corner with Dorotheenstraße) a whole lot of people of all ages spontaneously started "helping" us. Kids, Parents Grandparents. Some of which took the project "to another dimension" with a variation of approaches towards the possibilities of constructing with those little bricks."

You can find the entire documentation online here.

Posted by marc at 8:23 AM in Art |


One of the best things about doing the Wooster site is that we get to meet some incredible people.

Our friend Harlan at No New Enemies is hosting a charity event for an extremely good cause - to raise the money for a second ear surgery for a young girl named Sarah. Sarah was born almost deaf and recently got a cochlear implant in her right ear, which helps her hear sounds she never realized existed. The second implant in her left ear has been scheduled for 2009, but since medical insurance will only cover one operation, she'll have to pay the full 25.000 euro bill all by herself.


To help her out, the wonderful artist Ephameron has brought together work from over 100 artist in a fantastic book all the proceeds going to Sarah's operation.


You can learn more about the auction here and the full scope of the project here.

Posted by marc at 7:55 AM in Art |

May 14, 2009



In the middle of doing his piece for the 11 Spring show (a massive wall collaboration with Davide Zucco), Judith Supine walked in one day with a huge smile on his face. He declared to anyone who would listen - "I've just quit my job!"

The happiness on his was infectious as it was one of those moments in an artist's life where you say - "Fuck it. Why not? If it's not now, it's never."

The cool thing to watch is that Judith's work just keeps getting better and better. We we absolutely love the two pieces above and wanted to share them. If you've never seen the piece he did with Davide Zucco (aka Rekal) for our 11 Spring show, here it is:


Posted by marc at 6:41 AM in Art |

May 5, 2009

"In our over-juried, overexposed, over-hyped land of art and design it's refreshing to see an art event that not only has no jury, but also gives away the pieces in an "unprejudiced" way to anyone near the bike path. Born out of a reaction to recent changes regarding Berlin's vandalism laws, Papergirl rallies artists and cyclists to distribute rolls of paper art (posters, prints, etc.) to unsuspecting Berliners."... Sezio.

We absolutely love Berlin's Papergirl project founded by the original Papergirl, Aisha Ronniger. It's these types of actions that make cities "livable". Our hope is that Papergirls and Paperboys will be in cities all over the world this Summer. You can read a terrific overview here on Sezio. And be sure to check out the Papergirl website here.

Papergirl #3 from Papergirl on Vimeo.

Posted by marc at 8:28 AM in Art |





We love it when artists take on new challenges. Recently a group of amazing artists, includng our friends bo130, Microbo, and Jeremy Fish, teamed up with Superego Editions to produce a series of wonderful ceramic sculptures to coincide with the 48° Fuori Salone di Milano. The ceramics were produced and made by the old ceramic masters of Nove.

We love them. Click here for more information.

Posted by marc at 8:09 AM in Art |

May 4, 2009


Sara Watson, a design student studying drawing at the University of Central Lancashire, spent three weeks taking a battered old Skoda and making it "disappear" by painting it so that it blends in with the surrounding area.

The BBC reports that the car is now being used as advertising for the local recycling firm that donated the vehicle.

Posted by marc at 7:33 AM in Art |

April 28, 2009



"some new paintings of my kids pulling faces"...Lister.

Posted by marc at 7:59 AM in Art |

April 21, 2009

Friends We Love :: 120 Seconds w/ Gary Taxali - Artist from on Vimeo.

"Off the Wall" Featuring Gary Taxali from on Vimeo.

You can learn more about the show here.

Posted by marc at 7:54 AM in Art |

April 17, 2009




Tomorrow night, Saturday the 18th, Lee Quiñones will open "Truth & Consequences" in Genova, Italy at Il Trifoglio Nero. It's important on many levels, also since it's his first solo show in Italy since 1980.

Sacha Jenkins writes in the catalogue for the exhibition - "Lee has always used his art to address the heavier thoughts and fears of humankind — his subway works, for instance, could ponder anything from nuclear holocausts to the middle ground the Earth might provide between say heaven and hell. The body and blood of Truth & Consequences is a proud extension of this sentiment"

Here's the info:

Il Trifoglio Nero
Palazzo Ducale
Piazza Matteotti 80r
16123 Genova
T. +39 010 859 2255

18 April – 23 May 2009
Opening Reception 18 April 18.00
DJ set by Rich Medina
Catalogue available featuring texts by Sacha Jenkins, Dave Greenberg and Fred Brathwaite

Il Trifoglio Nero
Palazzo Ducale
Piazza Matteotti 80r
16123 Genova
T. +39 010 859 2255

Posted by marc at 8:33 AM in Art |

April 15, 2009


From jerm IX in Vancouver:

"thought i'd share my latest project with you. i have donated my body to street artists. i recently put out a call to street artists around the world via flickr and that i was accepting design submissions to be inked to my body, creating a body suit of street art, with the aim of celebrating street artists and their work in a somewhat more permanent form than the ephemeral nature of the streets allow.

i have designs coming from artists i have admired for so long and i am so inspired by the giving nature that seems to be embodied at every stop on the street artist spectrum. From the legends such as Microbo, Miss Van & BISERama to the unsung heroes like starheadboy and cameraman, everyone has been gracious, giving the fact that this is not a 'sponsored' project, for lack of a better word...and funds. anyway, i'm getting inked at a pace of at least one sitting a month and would love it if you spread the word and give all of the amazing people and artists on the site a glimpse into the project, so they may become involved if so inclined.

You can see the set as it evolves here.

thanks, love the site.
keep smiling.

jerm IX

Posted by marc at 8:56 AM in Art |

April 9, 2009



Yesterday morning, Sara and I went on the The Brian Lehrer Show on WNYC Radio to talk about the role of that street art is playing in the current economic climate. You can listen to it here:

All in all we thought it went pretty well. The debate about street art being nothing more than vandalism quite honestly bores us to death. We were glad that the host, Brian Lehrer, didn't waste the whole show on this subject. (Most radio stations would have done so for sure)

This post on the WNYC message boards is indicative of the lack of understanding out there:

"Your guests (meaning Sara and I) are a complete sham. They should be arrested rather than featured on the air. Come on, do we really want that shit all over the place again? Tell them and their clientele to go get a real job and do the work to become real artists rather than this easy bs these idiots are praising as "free expression". "Humanistic".. Please. Go back to academia. You obviously never left it. There are plenty of ways to get a message across without defacing public property."

And then this morning, we received a wonderful email that, for us, illuminates exactly why the subject of vandalism is so limiting:

From Sally (the artist who did the work on the photos above):

"hello. I heard the show on WNYC. I am glad to hear of your collective. I share much of what you talked about. I have been working on a street art since july of 08. It was sheltered by some trees and cars so that I never got caught. Once the police stopped and yelled "Stop drawing on the wall" I kept a look out and would hide. I am using acrylic ink and a small brush. A friend called it 'slow graffiti' A few months ago someone called the police and 2 squad cars and a black sedan came!! They gave me a warning, said if I was caught again they would arrest me. I did'n't know that graffiti is a felony. so I stopped working on it.

later I called the owner of the construction sight and he finally agreed to give me a letter of permission. It is near my studio, I can see it from my window. It is a wall surrounding a construction sight that is not being constructed. On Bergen between 4th and 3rd Ave. on the corner of Third Ave. in Brooklyn. I started it because they painted the wall blue, and it was a huge expanse and was calling to me. I have a lot of work finished and instead of waiting for someone to allow me to show my work I could take the initiative and show it myself. It is also in a place where lots of people who might never go to a gallery would see it. It is a funny area because it borders park slope and Boerum and the housing project. There is a half way house on Bergen. I love working on it outside, I believe I am adding to the neighborhood, it makes me part of the neighborhood, and people are always stopping to talk to me. I have had many interesting and appreciative comments. I have met a lot of people, it is different from the experience of working alone. Art gives back to people, it feeds the soul,in that way I feel I add to the neighborhood. I know that it wont last but I like the fact that it is about the experience of making it, the conversations I have had, and that all is fleeting any way."

Posted by marc at 11:22 AM in Art |


If you're in Amsterdam this week, be sure to head over tomorrow night, April 9th, to the Sid Lee Collective where, in collaboration with RELOAD Magazine, Dan Witz will present the first solo exhibition in the Netherlands.

Dan, who's flown in from New York, will be showing new works and photos from the ‘New Ugly Buildings’ series. Here's the info:

Gerard Doustraat 74
Amsterdam 1072 VV
The Nethelands

Posted by marc at 7:51 AM in Art |

April 7, 2009

If you follow us on Facebook, then you already know that it's become almost like a sister site to what we post every day here on the Wooster blog. On Facebook we've been asking a series of questions about art, being an artist, inspiration, etc. The responses that are being posted each day are wonderful.

Because they made us smile, we thought we'd share with you a sampling of the responses that have been posted today to our question:

While working on a piece of art, how do you know when it's "done"?

Here's some of the answers:

Luke: When someone buys it!

John: When your sick of nit-picking at it

Puppet Industries: When the cops catch ya.;)

Nick: You never do, that's why it's a piece of art.

James: When your mum calls you down for dinner. (Note from Wooster: Our favorite!)

Jasper: "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away" - Antoine de Saint Exupery

Frank: When the check clears.

Anita: When you feel satisfaction!

James: Paintings are never finished, only abandoned. - Picasso

Sarah: When you're afraid you'll destroy it if you do anything else to it

Nathan: When you feel like there's more work to be done, but nothing you do to it makes it better than it already is.

Josh: When it starts to piss me off

Will: When efforts at improving it just screw it up.

Logan: When I ruin it.

Pierre: When i stop looking at it as an actor but as a spectator, no more acting obsession, when i can forget it....

Misha: When its 6 am and i've got to be at work at 8

Dan: When somebody loves it

Angel: When you are scared about putting something else in it..

Victoria: 10 years later

Posted by marc at 7:03 PM in Art |

April 6, 2009


Posted by marc at 7:49 AM in Art |

April 4, 2009



The other day Sara and I had the pleasure of spending some time with artist/designer Matt W. Moore, who had come down to New York from Maine for the PSFK Conference. We were blown away by not only Matt's work but by how cool of a guy he is. If you are not familiar with his work, click here.

Posted by marc at 6:02 PM in Art |

March 31, 2009


You can see more of Poppy's painting here.

Posted by marc at 7:51 AM in Art |

March 29, 2009

Excited to hear that David Choe's currently painting in China. This latest piece is one of our favorites.

(Click to see the full effect of the brush strokes)

To see more of David's travels in China, click here.

Posted by marc at 11:47 AM in Art |

March 27, 2009



You can see more of Part2ism's work here.

Posted by marc at 10:24 PM in Art |



Last night Sara and I had the pleasure of attending the opening of our friend Michael Anderson's new solo show, COLLAGE GEOMANCY, at Marlborough Chelsea Gallery in New York.

The show is absolutely magnificent. If you do one thing this weekend (even if it's raining) go over to the gallery on 545 West 25th Street and check it out.

A few months back Michael asked us to write the essay for the catalog. We were absolutely thrilled and honored. So rather than tell you about the show, we thought we'd share with you our what we wrote for the catalog:


It is said that each day, from the moment we New Yorkers awake until the time we fall asleep, we will encounter 3,000 advertisements. It is in this context, at a time where mass media advertising is persistent in almost every moment of our waking lives, that the art of Michael Anderson can best be understood.

Michael Anderson is part of a new generation of contemporary artists who have grown up not only with mass media, but also with the philosophy that pop culture is there for the taking and the true power of a work is not found in its original form, but rather discovered only when remixed and rearranged into something completely new and fresh.

The pop culture imagery in the advertisements that we encounter each and every day has one sole purpose; to sell us something. But in these advertisements, Michael finds and discovers tiny elements of energy and life that can be transformed into abstract shapes and colors. During the process of breaking things down and then rebuilding them up again into something new, he strips the original advertisements of their power of persuasion and replaces them with something much more complex and insightful. What he ads is an emotional dimension – a soul to the work - that was completely lacking in the original.

With his art, Michael engages in the act of "upcycling" - transforming and reducing a degenerative form of art - advertising - into something of far greater value. The finished work takes on the quality of a Hindu or Buddhist mandala, where through the repetition of fragments of imagery, it becomes almost hypnotic, luring the viewer into a trance- like contemplative state that stays far longer than expected.

One finds in Michael's work a deep appreciation for graffiti art. He creates abstraction by deconstructing, distorting, and then combining letters to create a feeling of motion and energy that is greater than the letters themselves. In graffiti, letters often become so abstracted that they lose all legibility. Similarly in Michael’s work, text taken from advertisements (which at its core needs to be easy to read and understand) is completely abstracted making the words almost undecipherable. The result is something completely unique and incredibly absorbing.

The work included in this exhibition demonstrates not only the hand of a talented artist, but also that of an obsessive collector. Each piece is an assemblage of street advertisements meticulously hand-collected by the artist over the course of many years. Layered deep in each work is a visual topography of the vibrant ethnic neighborhoods of New York City that collectively drive its pulse and frenetic energy. Fragments of images from posters acquired in the dead of night on the streets of Little Jamaica in Brooklyn become mixed and interwoven with those found years later across town in Spanish Harlem. As a collector, Michael wanders the streets incessantly, waiting until the time is right to harvest posters, all-the-while understanding and knowing which posters are layered on top of which. Once taken down, he can then methodically pull each apart to capture imagery covered up many months before.

"Remixing" is the true art form of Michael's generation and he is one of its visual masters. Michael "samples" images the same way a hip-hop artist samples music. For Michael, scraps of torn paper become notes that can be played and repeated. Like a sculptor, he layers and repeats fragments of images into a visual staccato that he brings together on the canvas to create an elaborate and wonderful tapestry. By rearranging pop culture iconography into something that is new and unique, Michael becomes both critic and participant.

All this is to say that it is too easy to pigeonhole Michael Anderson simply as a "collage artist". For us, this is doing him a great disservice. Michael's work has none of the nostalgic trappings of collage, allowing it to remain completely contemporary and – in the end – timeless.

Marc and Sara Schiller
Wooster Collective

Posted by marc at 9:57 PM in Art |

March 26, 2009

We're lovin' Matt Small's recent work which is now showing at Black Rat Press Gallery in London.



Photos nicked from Romanywg's Flickr page

Posted by marc at 6:06 PM in Art |

Elbow-Toe is taking his collage work to a whole 'nother level...


Posted by marc at 8:41 AM in Art |

David Ellis: 8 Million Stories, 2009 from matthew mascotte on Vimeo.

The amazing thing about this new piece is that David and his team recently discovered how to precisely control the player-piano solenoid systems that automate the recycled garbage in their work, giving them real-time performable control of the sequences.

Posted by marc at 8:15 AM in Art |

March 23, 2009


Charming Baker at the Carmichael Gallery Of Contemporary Art:

You can see more of Charming Baker's work here.

Posted by marc at 7:45 AM in Art |


"Last year, with a team of about 75 friends, crew, and collaborators, I built a flotilla of rafts out of salvaged bits of New York City. Our precarious floating home traveled 140 miles south along the Hudson River. What left as the refuse of the city's mega construction returned as six vessels trying to encompass a whole world (the seventh died along the way).

This year, with some of those same vessels, and some new, we begin the second leg of our journey. Our destination? It's the city whose outrageous countenance, rising straight up out of the ocean like that was a fine sort of thing for a city to do, was our original inspiration. Yes ma'am, we're headed across the Adriatic Sea toward our first love, Venice.

This year we are a crew of 35, all artists, musicians, crackerjack mechanics, and folks who specialize in big, impossible, ridiculous dreams. We will put on a performance and cobble together a cabinet of wonders. We will, in our form, be working on themes of recycling and reuse, considering the footprint of a human community on the planet, and on issues of climate change. We have not found a solution to floods and sinking cities  or where to go next, but we know that it's important to us to create art and community at the same time as we seek a different relationship to our world.

We are starting in the Karst region of Slovenia (a former forest barren to this day after its large trees were cut for pilings in Venice), and skirting the northern coast of the Adriatic. For fun and a little mischief, we will be crashing the Venice Biennale.

Since we are doing all of this in an otherwise collapsed economy we need lots of help. It's a big project that we are trying to fund with the help of many small contributions from people who would like to be involved and help us get these crafts afloat -- even if you just think we're cheeky and want to see if we'll sink. This raffle is just one of the many ways we're trying to get back on the water."... Swoon

To find out about the SWOON raffle, contact or click here.

Posted by marc at 7:15 AM in Art |

March 17, 2009


One of our favorite artists, Ethos, has arrived in New York from Brazil for his first North American solo exhibition. Here's the info:

Where: Christopher Henry Gallery
When: 03/19 - 04/12
Opening: 03/19 from 06:00 PM to 09:00 PM
Address: 127 Elizabeth Street, New York, New York, 10013
Cross Streets: Broome Street and Grand Street

We'll be there for sure.

Posted by marc at 8:24 PM in Art |

March 13, 2009



Word To Mother's new show 'Lost For Words' opens this Thursday the 19th of March at StolensSpace's Dray Walk Gallery

Dray Walk
The Old Truman Brewery
91 Brick Lane
London E1 6QL

Posted by marc at 8:07 AM in Art |

March 11, 2009


If you've met Samantha, then you know taht this portrait could not be more perfect.

Posted by marc at 8:07 AM in Art |


King Shit has a terrific interview with one of our favorite artists, The Dark. You can read it here.

Posted by marc at 7:46 AM in Art |

March 6, 2009




Posted by marc at 8:54 AM in Art |

March 5, 2009

We spent a few hours at SCOPE yesterday. Over the next few days we will be posting some of the things that caught our eye, starting with Nathan Skiles' wonderful rubber coocoo clocks.



Posted by marc at 7:33 AM in Art |

February 23, 2009




Posted by marc at 8:01 AM in Art |

February 16, 2009




You can see the whole series here.

Posted by marc at 9:00 AM in Art |



Charlie Isoe's first solo show in Europe opened last Thursday at Circleculture Gallery in Berlin. The show runs until April 4th, so if you're in the area, be sure to check it out.

Posted by marc at 8:40 AM in Art |

February 11, 2009



The wonderfully talented Leon "Tes One" Bedore will be showing new work at Artchitecture Gallery in Cleavland beginning March 6th. Here's the info:

Opening reception 7-10 pm Friday, March 6, 2009

Artchitecture Gallery
1667 East 40th Street, Unit 1A
Cleveland, Ohio 44103 [map]
Hours: Mon. – Fri. by appointment only, Sat. – Sun. 12pm – 4 pm
Admission: Free
Information: Call (216) 533-5575 or email

Posted by marc at 8:44 AM in Art |




When we learned that Bob and Chaz, the two founding members of The London Police back in 1998, were joining forces once again, we were absolutely thrilled.

For the past week Bob and Chaz have been in Brooklyn, working on a massive canvas for a local collector (shown above).

If this is any indication of what's to come from TLP in 2009, its going to be a very good year for them. Look out for shows in London and Amsterdam shows in April and May respectively.

Posted by marc at 8:01 AM in Art |

February 10, 2009

Photo by Holly Combs, PEEL Magazine

For those who know Shepard Fairey, the news of his arrest in Boston, on the eve of his opening at the ICA, came as a big surprise. We were surprised because for well over a week while Shepard was preparing the exhibition, the biggest show of his life, he was the talk of the town. Shepard was everywhere, from the front page of the arts section of the Boston Globe to a highly publicized media event with the Mayor of Boston, Thomas Menino.

Remembering that Boston was the same city where the Police had manipulated a promotional stunt for the show "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" into a full scale terror alert, we asked ourselves -

If the police wanted to arrest Shepard Fairey so badly, why did they wait so long after the warrant was issued to arrest him? In addition, why would they arrest him on the night of the biggest opening of his life at one of country's most prestigious art institutions?

Last night we spoke with Dave Combs, the publisher of PEEL Magazine, and were amazed to hear that the cops are actually pulled Shep out of a cab to arrest him and that they did it as Shepard was entering the museum parking lot.

This morning Dave sent us a long note about what went down. We wanted share it with you...

Photo by Holly Combs, PEEL Magazine

From Dave:

The real story about Shepard Fairey's arrest in Boston Friday night is the resulting riot that didn't happen – a riot that the Boston Police Department may have carefully planned to provoke and hoped would happen that evening, but didn't.

On January 2nd, Boston Mayor Thomas Menino proposed a one-year wage freeze for city workers, including the Boston Police Department. The Boston Police Superior Officers Federation agreed to a contract on January 23, but not until after the city dismissed its residency case against West Roxbury Police Sergeant Michael Hanson. In the mix of the deal was an alleged list of more than 25 superior police officers who are living outside the city in violation of their contracts' residency requirements. Through the use of strong-arm tactics, the Mayor got his wage freeze and at least 25 of Boston's Finest got to keep their jobs. The following day, two warrants were issued for Shepard Fairey's arrest.

On Wednesday, February 4th, Mayor Menino met with Shepard and was photographed shaking his hand following the unveiling of Fairey's 'Peace Goddess' banner on the North wall of City Hall at a public event to promote his show, Supply and Demand, at the Institute of Contemporary Art / Boston. Thursday night Shepard sat for a Q-and-A talk at the ICA which was publicized by the museum after which he signed autographs for more than an hour. Shepard was not arrested until two full weeks after the warrants had been issued and after numerous public appearances in Boston.

The obvious question is: Why did the police take so long after the warrant was issued to apprehend their man? Was it a matter of pure incompetence? As admiring fans of his work, were the police giving him opportunity to make appearances and put more art out on the streets of Boston? I don't think so.

My wife Holly and I were riding in the cab with Shepard and his wife Amanda from the Renaissance Hotel to the museum when the police made their move, and the answer to my question became clear only after replaying the event in my mind several times and re-examining the circumstances over and over again with Holly. It is my belief that the Boston Police Department had carefully planned to serve their warrants in front of an audience of approximately 800 excited Shepard Fairey fans, some of whom had reportedly paid as much as $500 on Craigslist for a ticket to the event. In my opinion, the BPD had at the very least set out to make a public spectacle of the arrest, and at worst were intent on provoking the agitated crowd to riot. They clearly had it out for Mayor Menino, and had engineered the perfect scenario with which to simultaneously tie Menino to a "criminal graffiti vandal" and conveniently show up to be the heroes of their own story.

Two unlikely factors worked together to foil their plan, as Shepard was arrested quietly and with no fanfare just outside the entrance to the museum parking lot with only four known witnesses apart from Shepard and the Boston Police officers themselves.

The first unlikely occurrence was that my wife Holly and I were riding in the cab in the first place. Completely unplanned, Shepard spontaneously offered to share the cab with us since we were leaving the hotel to go to the show at precisely the same time. Holly hopped into the front seat, Amanda remained on the drivers-side, and Shepard made room for me to his right. I squeezed in and shut the rear passenger-side door. One of us quickly told the cab driver we were going to the ICA and the cab driver quickly backed out of the hotel pick-up area and headed up Seaport Boulevard toward the Museum.

The second unlikely factor was that the driver missed the turn for the entrance of the ICA. We had to show him where to turn into the museum. As we approached the entrance Holly, looking back, noticed that there was an unmarked tan SUV tailgating our cab. She pointed it out to Amanda, who said something like, "Why is that guy riding our ass?" At the same time Shepard said to the driver, "It's right here! The museum." and pointed to the parking lot entrance. The driver slowed down to attempt to make the turn but still missed the entrance by just a fraction of a second and we passed it by a short distance. The driver tried to back up or turn around but the unmarked SUV directly behind us was blocking our path. Police officers quickly surrounded the cab, and one of them pounded loudly on the driver's window. "Boston Police, stop the car! Turn off the car!" The officer exchanged words with the cab driver, and one of the officers flashed a badge and asked us each to identify ourselves. When Shepard calmly said, "I'm Shepard," one officer commanded, "Everybody out of the car, now!" We quickly decided to OBEY.

Two officers surrounded Shepard on the far side of the cab in the street and an additional officer herded the remaining three of us over to the curb on the other side of the cab where we stood facing Shepard with our backs towards the museum. The officer asked if any of us were family and Amanda told them that she is his wife. The three of us stood stunned overhearing the officer explain to Shepard that they had warrants for his arrest. Shepard calmly explained that he had already taken care of the warrants, and one of the officers said, "These are new warrants." More verbal exchange ensued, and at some point Shepard raised his hands in front of himself and from what I could see from the curb, the officer cuffed or zip-tied his wrists. Holly asked, "What's happening?" Amanda replied she didn't know. About then one of the officers told us that Shepard was going to jail, and he would be there until Monday morning. They pulled his two black bags out of the cab and asked who they belonged to. "It's his records and laptop for DJ'ing, but my stuff is in there too," Amanda replied. The officer put down the bags and said he didn't want their stuff.

Amanda proceeded to inform one of the officers that Shepard is diabetic and that his insulin pump was low and would need to be refilled very soon. She went over to the other side of the cab where the officers were standing with Shepard and I couldn't hear what she said to them. She told the cab driver to keep the meter running and wait. About this time the officers were leading Shepard away from the cab and towards their vehicle. As they were taking him away Amanda reminded him that he has rights and he needs to talk to their lawyer. When she returned to the curb on our side of the cab an officer told Amanda the phone number and district where they were going to take Shepard so she could bring his insulin. We had no pen or paper so Holly took down the number into her iPhone, and emailed it to Amanda. Amanda at first asked me to stay there and watch to make sure they didn't do anything to Shepard, but in the time it took for Holly to get the information from the officer and email it to Amanda they had already gotten Shepard into a marked police vehicle and we couldn't see him any longer. I remember at one point during all the activity turning around and looking behind us at the museum to see if anyone in the parking lot or in front of the museum could see what was happening out here. Apparently they couldn't as it was fairly dark and we were pretty far away from the museum. No one was watching us save for the Giant icon above the museum.

What we didn't realize at the time is the events were clearly the Boston Police Department's "Plan B". Had the two unlikely events I described not happened just as they did, their "Plan A" would have gone something like the following…

Plan A: We successfully make the turn into the ICA. The unmarked SUV follows our cab and drives right up to the front entrance of the glass-façade ICA with 800 of Shepard's fans inside and outside hyped on adrenaline excitedly watching, waiting for him to arrive. The SUV swoops in and the undercover cops emerge to seize Shepard right in front of all those fans. Now, I was in that crowd later that night, and I can be sure that at least a handful of those guys I met inside wouldn't have just stood there without doing something. It might have been that they ran out and shouted obscenities at the cops who were arresting Shepard, or they might have simply lost their minds and just mobbed the cops depending on the number of people who ran out, all while the cameras were rolling. Either way, something ugly certainly would have jumped off, and whatever happened it would have played right into the hands of the Boston Police Department and helped them hand the Mayor his ass on a platter. Remember, Mayor Menino was photographed just two days earlier congratulating Shepard and welcoming him to Boston.

Later that night we took another cab back to the Museum and we went around the line of people still waiting to get in as our names were on the guest list, and that's when we realized how many people would have been watching Shepard get arrested if we hadn't missed that turn. We went inside, and saw the expectant faces of all those in attendance and we were heavily burdened with the knowledge that Shepard wasn't going to be coming that night. We went upstairs to try to find some friends, and tell them what was happening in order to get some outside perspective while were surrounded by 20 years of Shepard's artwork. Everyone agreed that there was little we could do right now, and that Amanda and the others were taking care of business. Later on we went downstairs to hear Z-Trip as he was keeping up the vibe and carrying the weight of the crowd's expectations and their emotions about Shepard's arrest. I didn't hear the announcement or the crowd's response when they said he'd been arrested, but with his incredible energy and marvelous skills Z-Trip managed to turn a terrible situation into a rally and unite the crowd to party in celebration of the struggle against the powers that be. If you can just imagine the energy in a room packed with 800 fans led by Z-Trip in a one-finger salute to the Boston Police Department to the tune of Rage Against the Machine's "Killing in the Name of" followed by Bob Marley singing "Get Up Stand Up" to bring it back down you can see how he helped us work out our frustrations with the music, and be able to then chill out and not start that riot after all.

It's my opinion based on what I experienced, Shepard Fairey became a pawn in an ugly political game in which the Boston Police Department was willing to risk the safety of the citizens it has sworn to protect in order to punish the Mayor for his shady deal. With cops and city government officials like that, who needs criminals? Apparently they do.

What do you think? Share your thoughts via Twitter to @MarcSchil

Posted by marc at 10:44 AM in Art |

February 9, 2009

"The LightScraper is a custom built aluminium structure, fabricated with a layer or semi translucent mesh. The structure can be easily erected in various compositions in an outdoor or indoor setting.

A single computer and two projectors are use to bring the sculptures visuals to life. The LightScraper also acts as a giant musical instrument, people’s location influence the melodies emitting form the sculpture.

Visitors position are tracked via an Infrared camera mounted at the peak of the structure, and transposed into musical notes, the result is ever-changing melodies
and visual delight"

More info here.

Posted by marc at 7:55 AM in Art |

February 4, 2009



This evening, February 4th, one of our favorite artists Alexandros Vasmoulakis will have his first solo show in Athens. Here's the info: 20 aristofanous st. 4th floor psyrri 10554 athens

To see more work from the show, click here.

Posted by marc at 9:16 AM in Art |

Posted by marc at 8:31 AM in Art |



From the artist, Sam F. Chuunk,:

"I had always loved the religious fanatic that stood in Kenmore Square (Boston) with his "Heaven or Hell" placard proudly hanging over his shoulders. I am not religious at all, but I am fascinated by the vast interpretations and grandiose rhetoric that religion uses. I combine religious phrases with pop culture and news icons, creating satirical tributes that are creepy and ridiculous. I walk around looking down at the rubbish and the strange remains of our daily life finding compositions to fit my work into. I leave my art in the gutter to create a strange curiosity, a "realness", for people passing it by. I enjoy the detachment, my art becomes trash with no value or significance, it just lays in the gutter with the rest of life. I also like to hang them on community bulletin boards and obnoxiously taped to poles, among the "Cat Found!" and "Band Needs Drummer" flyers, my work becomes "normal" and lost."

Posted by marc at 8:27 AM in Art |

February 2, 2009


Posted by marc at 7:39 AM in Art |


Posted by marc at 7:27 AM in Art |

February 1, 2009


If you are in London, be sure to check out XENZ's new show, "Unforscenery' which is up at the Forster Gallery until February 28th. .

You can see more of XENZ's work here.

Photo above nicked from Romanywg's Flickr stream.

Posted by marc at 10:43 PM in Art |

January 28, 2009


Posted by marc at 8:24 AM in Art |

January 21, 2009


Click here to read our picks.

Posted by marc at 11:16 PM in Art |

January 19, 2009

Posted by marc at 2:59 PM in Art |


Posted by marc at 9:00 AM in Art |

January 14, 2009


Posted by marc at 7:43 AM in Art |

January 2, 2009


You can see more of the series here.

(Hat tip to Booooooom)

Posted by marc at 8:43 AM in Art |

December 18, 2008

One of our favorite museums in New York is the Brooklyn Museum. Over the last few years it's hosted some of the best exhibitions the city has to offer - MURAKAMI, Ron Mueck, Graffiti Basics, Walton Ford, Basquiat, and many others. The Museum was also an early supporter of Swoon.

This month the Museum is launching an innovative new membership program called 1stfans where for $20 you can join a virtual networking group that give you access to exclusive events at Target First Saturday.

To kick off the program, on January 3rd, Swoon's studio will be printing one of a kind pieces for those who join 1stfans and show up in person at the Museum on January 3rd. You can learn more about it by watching the videos below and checking out the 1stfans website here.

Posted by marc at 6:51 AM in Art |

December 11, 2008

We've been fans of Herakut - Jasmin (Hera) and Falk (Akut) - for quite some time. If you're not familiar with their work, the video above by Romanywg gives a terrific introduction to their style.


You should also check out the photos from Dirty Laundry, their recent show in London here.

Posted by marc at 7:30 AM in Art |

December 5, 2008


More here.

Posted by marc at 7:28 AM in Art |

November 28, 2008




Helen Marshall's mosaic, in Birmingham England, is made of 112, 896 photos of people's faces.

Photos nicked from here.

Posted by marc at 7:56 AM in Art |

November 16, 2008


"My current body of work is an allegory about memory's power to hold us back or move us forward. The central character in this parable is a 6 x 10 foot linocut of an Everyman, who has lost it all and wanders the plains with all his belongings strapped to his back. He navigates a world in crisis by learning from his past. The remainder of the characters that he encounters are individuals lost in regret. I have developed these paintings and prints during the American housing and credit crisis of the past year. In contemplating where we are and where we might be, I have found myself looking back at history, remembering the Great Depression, and considering what effects it had on the American psyche. The uncertainty that existed then is present now, and I am addressing the kind of escapism through nostalgia that can occur in the midst of calamity. Every character that the Everyman sees is gripped by this need to escape their present circumstance. They are people lost in a memory at the very point when they should be paying attention to what lies ahead. Many different artists have inspired the flavor of this world including the photography of Walker Evans, the films of the Cohen brothers, the music of Tom Waits and the theatre of Robert Wilson. For more info on the title ElbowToe

Posted by marc at 5:50 PM in Art |

November 14, 2008


Posted by marc at 9:36 AM in Art |

November 4, 2008


You can learn more about Ian Francis here on as well as on his website.

Posted by marc at 6:52 AM in Art |

November 3, 2008


If we were to poll all of the artists who we've featured on the Wooster site over the years and asked them which illustrators, graphic designers, and artists they've been most influenced by in their work, the name Alan Aldridge will likely be near the top of the list.


It was Alan Aldridge who designed the iconic album cover for Elton John's Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy, as well as lyric books for the Beatles and album covers for the Rolling Stones and the Who. Aldridge is also the artist who created the iconic identities for both the Hard Rock Cafe and House of Blues brands. Aldridge's work personifies the psychedelic graphic style of the '60's and '70's.

We were absolutely thrilled when over the weekend our friend Isaac Tigrett sent us a ton of never before seen images created by Alan for "BOZO'S HOT PIT BAR-B-QUE" a "recession proof" restaurant concept that Isaac and Alan have been quietly developing over the last few years and are now in the process of finding a buyer. (Isaac's offering a $500,000 finders fee, so if you're interested, click here)

More than just a collection of images, the Bozo's project is a rare opportunity to see how a designer like Alan, working alongside Tigrett, can create an entire universe around a single iconic word - Bozo.

To see the entire Bozo's collection, and to learn more about the project, turn up the speakers on your computer and click here.







(Also, if you're in London between now and the end of January, be sure to head over to the Design Museum where Alan is having his first major UK retrospective)

Posted by marc at 7:21 AM in Art |

October 31, 2008



From Truth:

"I found this strange hut about 5 years ago, Its almost in the centre of my hometown Wroclaw, Poland. I thought that police or city guards will destroy it right away, because It just one step from a busy road and graveyard, but they never did. It was built by homeless people and I don't want to know how cold it is inside in winter, especially that on the news they were saying that winter this year in Poland is going to be really cold ...

Posted by marc at 7:43 AM in Art |


Paris based artists, Alexone, has launched his new website. If you don't know his work, you should. Here's the link.

Posted by marc at 7:28 AM in Art |

October 8, 2008


More here.

Posted by marc at 7:36 AM in Art |

October 2, 2008


See the full gallery here and be sure to check out the Ice Cream People weblog

From Brian:

The intent of this project to get the Ice Cream Person recognized among the greatest of supernatural beings, (right up there with Bigfoot, Lochness, and UFOs).

Right now I'm collecting artist renditions as evidence. I'm mailing postcards with a cone template printed on it, for fellow advocates to complete and return. The postcards will be archived online at, and I'm planning the real-life exhibition now.

If you'd like to get involved, e-mail with your mailing address.

Brian Butler
Ice Cream Person Research Coordinator

Posted by marc at 8:15 AM in Art |

September 28, 2008


Knowing how much people love to collect and share photos of their favorite street art images, we've set up a little application on Facebook where people can collect and share images that can be found on the Wooster Collective website. We'll be adding new images to it every day.

Check it out here, and send us your feedback. If people like it, we may develop something with bells and whistles.

Posted by marc at 1:02 PM in Art |

September 22, 2008


More here.

Posted by marc at 11:04 AM in Art |

September 18, 2008


Since 2000, after the death of several of his family members, Kris Neely has been painting "Guardians" in an around the town of Spartanburg, S.C.

The project, a wonderful blend of folk art and street art, is faithfully documented here.

Posted by marc at 7:23 AM in Art |

August 7, 2008


You can see more of BTOY's work here.

Posted by marc at 7:31 AM in Art |

August 1, 2008


More work here.

Posted by marc at 8:50 AM in Art |

July 1, 2008


Posted by marc at 6:55 AM in Art |

June 9, 2008




Dan Witz has been busy of late, hitting the streets of New York with his latest "Ugly New Buildings" He explains:

"This year's series, "Ugly New Buildings", addresses how in the past few years much of my neighborhood in Brooklyn has been torn down to make way for luxury housing. Personally, I can't say I like the new modern architecture very much. For the most part it's sterile and alienating and so arrogantly disconnected with its surroundings sometimes it seems like giant alien space ships have landed in the night. But resenting gentrification in New York City is futile, like complaining about the weather or other forces of (urban) nature. For this year's project I decided to work with it.

These are photo-based, heavily re-painted stickers, mounted on plastic and glued to the walls of the Ugly New Buildings. In May I put up around 30 and about half are still there."

Posted by marc at 2:03 PM in Art |

June 4, 2008


You can learn more about the container art project by clicking here.

Artist: Nicola Villa

Posted by marc at 7:43 AM in Art |

April 19, 2008


Each day Zak Smith (of of our favorite artists) uloads a new image from his sketchbook to his website. You can follow it here.

Posted by marc at 7:28 AM in Art |

April 10, 2008


(Thanks, Lauren!)

Posted by marc at 12:44 PM in Art |

March 20, 2008


You can see more of Paul's work here.

Posted by marc at 7:13 AM in Art |

March 19, 2008

Photo above by CRS8

If you haven't yet seem it, Street Anatomy, a blog on medicine, art, and design has put together a terrific gallery of anatomically themed street art. You can check it out here.

Posted by marc at 7:58 AM in Art |

March 18, 2008



The work above will be included in Anthony's upcoming 'Super Villains' show at NEW IMAGE opening April 26th

Posted by marc at 7:20 AM in Art |

March 14, 2008



You can see more of Bruno9li's work here.

Posted by marc at 8:28 AM in Art |

February 25, 2008

David Choe returns to London this week with a blockbuster show opening this coming Friday night at the Lazarides Galleries in London and Newcastle.

Here's a sneak peak of some of the new work:

Spray paint, oil paint, house paint, pen, ink, colour pencil, acrylic, crayon
4 feet by 4 feet
Courtesy the artist and Lazarides Gallery
Copyright: David Choe, 2008

FUPA, 2007
Spray paint, oil paint, house paint, pen, ink, colour pencil, acrylic, crayon
4 feet by 2 feet
Courtesy the artist and Lazarides Gallery
Copyright: David Choe, 2008

Spray paint, oil paint, house paint, pen, ink, colour pencil, acrylic, crayon
4 feet by 2 feet
Courtesy the artist and Lazarides Gallery
Copyright: David Choe, 2008

Posted by marc at 7:46 AM in Art |


From The Daily Mail:

"Desiree Palmen, a 44-year-old Dutch artist, uses a method that requires a huge amount of effort and attention to detail.

She makes cotton suits and paints the camouflage on by hand, painstakingly matching it to the chosen background. Either she or a model then poses in the suit in the chosen place.

The scenes are photographed and filmed and then put on display."

Read more here.

Posted by marc at 7:35 AM in Art |

February 22, 2008


You can see more of Dixon's work here.

Posted by marc at 8:08 AM in Art |

February 12, 2008



"SCRUFFY KITTY", a new show of Matthew Rodriguez's work is currently on view at the Rare Gallery in New York until March 8th.

Posted by marc at 8:19 AM in Art |

Zac Smith

Nicholas Di Genova

Shawn Cheng

From the website:

"Zak Smith, Shawn Cheng, and Nicholas Di Genova take turns drawing monsters fighting each other... So this is how it works: Zak draws something. Shawn draws something that will fight it. Zak draws his thing fighting back. Shawn draws his thing fighting back and maybe tripping over a statue. Then maybe Zak's thing kills Shawn's with the statue's head. Then Shawn draws a new thing. Zak's surviving thing attacks it. And so on. Zak and Shawn got things started, and now Nick has joined the fray. Though not exactly an exquisite corpse, it will be exquisite, and there will be many corpses. "

Posted by marc at 7:55 AM in Art |

January 24, 2008


You can see more of Jennifer's work here.


Posted by marc at 7:43 AM in Art |

January 23, 2008



You can see more of Juan Francisco Casas' work here.


Posted by marc at 12:33 PM in Art |




Nicked from Peter's website:

"My paper works have lately been based around an exploration of the relationship between two and three dimensionality. I find this materialization of a flat piece of paper into a 3D form almost as a magic process - or maybe one could call it obvious magic, because the process is obvious and the figures still stick to their origin, without the possibility of escaping. In that sense there is also an aspect of something tragic in most of the cuts. Some of the small paper cuts relate to a universe of fairy tales and romanticism, as for instance "Impenetrable Castle" inspired by Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", in which a tin soldier falls in love with a paper ballerina, living in a paper castle. Other paper cuts are small dramas in which small figures are lost within and threatened by the huge powerful nature. Others again are turning the inside out, or letting the front and the back of the paper meet - dealing with impossibility, illusions, and reflections. I find the A4 sheet of paper interesting to work with, because it probably still is the most common and consumed media and format for carrying information today, and in that sense it is something very loaded. This means that we rarely notice the actual materiality of the A4 paper. By removing all the information and starting from scratch using the blank white 80gsm A4 paper as a base for my creations, I feel that I have found a material which, on one hand, we all are able to relate to, and which on the other hand is non-loaded and neutral and therefore easier to fill with different meanings. The thin white paper also gives the paper sculptures a fragility which underlines the tragic and romantic theme of the works."

(Thanks, Nick!)

Posted by marc at 7:10 AM in Art |

January 22, 2008


Posted by marc at 7:48 PM in Art |

January 21, 2008



You can see more of Mark's work here. If you are in Philidelphia, you can check out his solo show at the Woodmere Art Museum from January 27th to March 8th.

Posted by marc at 9:59 AM in Art |

December 17, 2007


You can follow Armsrock's work and travels on his new blog.

Posted by marc at 7:10 AM in Art |

December 6, 2007


You can see more of Patrick's work here.

Posted by marc at 7:28 AM in Art |

December 5, 2007



Not sure how we missed this show at the Lazarides gallery before it closed a few days ago, but Zevs' new work is absolutely stunning.

Posted by marc at 8:25 AM in Art |

December 3, 2007


New work from Blu's sketchbook can be seen in 'The Streets of Europe" group show now at the Jonathan Levine Gallery in New York.

Posted by marc at 7:25 AM in Art |


(The piece above is currently showing on view in "The Streets of Europe", a terrific group show that opened this weekend at the Jonathan Levine Gallery in New York)

Posted by marc at 7:18 AM in Art |

November 28, 2007





You can see more of Michal's work here.

Posted by marc at 7:08 AM in Art |

November 22, 2007



You can see more work from Jon's current show in the ROJO space here.

Posted by marc at 8:19 AM in Art |

Shepard Fairey Interview - "Rise Above" Exhibition @ Merry Karnowsky Gallery from By Osmosis TV on Vimeo.

Shepard discusses his work as he prepares for "Rise Above", a solo exhibition opening December 1st at the Merry Karnowsky Gallery in Los Angeles.

Posted by marc at 7:24 AM in Art |

November 12, 2007


Nick's Morning After series will be on view in Los Angeles at the Carmichael gallery starting on the 2nd of February.

Posted by marc at 8:02 AM in Art |

October 14, 2007


Posted by marc at 9:34 PM in Art |

October 11, 2007



Craig Paul Nowak's artwork uses everyday laundry detergent.

Under white light Craig's work is invisible; under blacklight you can see it.

The work will stay on the wall until it's painted over or washed off, but most of the time, nobody knows it's even there.

The top image, "Apt. 20", was done in Detroit. It's the first of several paintings Craig did using Tide laundry detergent on apartment walls of events that occurred during his stay at those apartments. It's meant to imply that what happens in a place stays in that place and becomes a part of its history forever.

The piece below, "Influence", was also done in Detroit. It was painted in a school classroom and later exposed to the faculty whose faces were what was portrayed in the paintings on the walls. To explain, the second image is NOT a before and after photo; the paintings ARE on the wall in the white light image.

Posted by marc at 7:43 AM in Art |

September 11, 2007




Title: B-SIDE (see reverse for more information)*
Location: Worpswede, Germany (Bergstraße)
Materials: Backside of street signs, vynil cuts, ink, found dirt and moos
Artist: Andrea Acosta

"One leaves with a path in mind but journeys are always full of unforeseeable events...

It would be hard to get to a place you don’t know without wandering a little, sometimes that wandering becomes the important thing, sometimes you get lost and make a completely unexpected discovery, sometimes nothing happens and sometimes that’s
ok too.

But getting lost is not always an easy task, if you consider the increasing forest of signs in the streets telling you where and how to look and move through space. On one of those attempts at getting lost I found myself looking at the signs themselves, at the amount, at the shapes, at the information they carry and then, in that common place, in an unexpected turn, at the grey space hidden in their backside, at the grey surfaces that are everywhere but somehow invisible, camouflaged within the constructed landscape we are so used to.

In a delicate but subversive way I use this forgotten space to question and subvert the functionality and language of signs in public space; through small subtle interventions I try to silently make visible this spaces, delicately inhabiting them and thus leading to a new direction in the streets.

I guess there is already a lot of information in the public space, but not enough poetry that allows you to not only look again but also to look different.

Over the period of one week I work on the grey surface of the street signs of one street in Worpswede, Germany (the Bergstraße). The signs where cleaned and in some cases adhesive vinyl cuts where applied, in others the drawings where made in the spot, with ink pens or by the cleaning itself. At the end it was as if the nature was taking over the constructed landscape again.

*This work is part of the exhibition 'Life goes Public' /10 public art interventions to update Paula Modersohn-Becker in Worpswede. Leben! PMB in Worpswede. 2007-2008.

Posted by marc at 7:42 AM in Art |

August 10, 2007


Artist: @

Posted by marc at 9:09 AM in Art |

August 1, 2007




It's been far too long since we've featured the work of the Irish based artist Asbestos on the Wooster site. We were thrilled this week to receive an email from Asbestos letting us know about his latest project - a series that concentrates on painting the hands of street artists and friends. All the paintings are done on found objects that are then returned to the streets. Asbestos writes:

"The hands have been a revelation to paint. They're the tools that seperate us from the animals, they can create and they can destroy and that's why they're so fascinating to paint. each pair has it's own unique grain that highlights the personality of the owner."

Posted by marc at 9:40 AM in Art |

July 25, 2007




Posted by marc at 10:37 AM in Art |

July 3, 2007 - Kinetic Sculpture

Posted by marc at 8:13 AM in Art |


"Spamgraffiti is a series of online installations created from spam. Each environment is created by spooling through one email account and visually articulating the spam on a series of layers. Newer spam appears above and slowly filters out older spam below. As the rate of spam increases over time per account, the page itself appears less and less like the previous generation. Each screen showcases the 25 most recent spam in the account."

Posted by marc at 7:26 AM in Art |

June 28, 2007


Artist: pomo

Posted by marc at 7:22 AM in Art |

Ben Claassen III & Kimberly Dorn

Eric Staller


Posted by marc at 7:09 AM in Art |

June 27, 2007



Posted by marc at 2:03 PM in Art |

June 26, 2007



From Armsrock's black book:

“the streets, the great spectacle…… the living epic theater….. The differences, which must naturally occur when taking “outside” “inside”…… The danger of the total dramatization (hopeless romantics)….. Weight and lightness……. Dark light, light darkness…… Cardboard city(and the floor is painted on)…… an ironic conversation with myself and the ghost of Brecht……. Tristesse for all its worth. the modern legend….. Building more stages and shifting focus (mine and others)…… Finding a natural way of navigating in the hated whitecube….. Wagners old cardboard trees."

Posted by marc at 8:19 AM in Art |




You can learn more about Dan's work by clicking here.

Posted by marc at 8:12 AM in Art |

June 21, 2007


Posted by marc at 8:00 AM in Art |


A few weeks back Sara and I did an interview for Reload magazine in Holland. Hudson, our Weimeraner, gets the star treatment in this terrific portrait done by DHM.

Posted by marc at 7:18 AM in Art |

June 10, 2007


More from Fetch here.

Posted by marc at 12:09 PM in Art |

June 7, 2007




'WijKunst' (translated 'District-art') is a new project from Autobahn in Utrecht, Holland.

Posted by marc at 7:01 AM in Art |

June 5, 2007



KNOW HOPE is an artists from Tel-Aviv who creates handmade drawings out of paper and then lites them up with candles.

The artists tells us:

"What i like about the lanterns is that it deals with the frail temporary aspect of putting up art in street.if i take the best case scenario (that nobody takes the piece after a short while and there are no extreme winds or rain) then the longest life span of these pieces will be that of the candles, which is probably just a few hours. therefore, when someone runs into it on the street they know that it was placed there not so long ago and they, by coincidence, got there in the small time frame that the piece was "active", hopefully giving them the feeling that it was placed there especially for them, and maybe guiding them,following them home and subtly lighting up their way."

Posted by marc at 7:44 AM in Art |

May 31, 2007


More information here and here.

Posted by marc at 7:18 AM in Art |



After filling windows with images of what her thought would be inside, Mike Newton decided to bring the rooms out onto the street. He tells us...

"I started this project by considering how people are so intrigued by whats going on
behind closed doors. So armed with a load of wallpaper, print outs, some old fires and a set of framed images i went ahead and constructed these pieces. I used pics of myself and my mates in the frames as a of way letting the viewer into the antics that go on in our homes.

(i revisited one of the pieces the following day where i was approached by a security guard who was actually really impressed with "whoever had done it" then he began to tell me how he spotted it in the morning with loads of beer cans scattered in front of it so we recon the tramps had a right good party in their new outdoor living room)

Posted by marc at 6:53 AM in Art |

Adam and Dessi Price, inspired by their trip to the 11 Spring Project, turned a downtown building they owned over to the art community in Utah. They started this project only knowing one local artist and every artist that joined after came from word-of-mouth. In the end, over 144 artists participate in the project. Over 7,500 people haved tour through the building.

You can learn more about this amazing project here.

Posted by marc at 6:34 AM in Art |

May 30, 2007


Artist: No Curves

Posted by marc at 6:53 AM in Art |


For the last two months Guillotine has been featuring a series called S2DIO, a look into
artist workspaces from around the world.

Nico from Guillotine tells us - "By doing so, we would like to allow people to discover the environment where art gets created, gets born, and also through this behind the scene action, show a glimpse of the life of an artist via the pictures that he/she decides to send and show."

The participating artists include: Blek le Rat, Ron English, Bo and Microbo, JR, D*Face, Dalek, Buff Monster, Kelsey Brookes, Momo, Nick Walker, and many more.

You can see the series here.

Posted by marc at 6:41 AM in Art |

May 21, 2007


Jamie O'Shea visits Phil Frost at his Williamsburg studio for Supertouch. You can check it out here.

Posted by marc at 8:06 AM in Art |

April 30, 2007


Posted by marc at 7:18 AM in Art |

April 26, 2007




Lot's more photos here.

Posted by marc at 7:39 AM in Art |

April 13, 2007




You can see more of Conor's work here.

Posted by marc at 7:55 AM in Art |

April 10, 2007


+ this...


+ this...


= this...


The piece above was done by the Swiss artist Felice Varini on the Cardiff Bay barrage. It ran between March 11 and 25th.

To see the properly formed image (the last photo above) you had to find the precise place on the barrage.

(Photos nicked from the BBC here)

Posted by marc at 1:44 PM in Art |


Posted by marc at 7:18 AM in Art |

April 9, 2007


Since 1994, Christoph Feichtinger has been making beautiful prints from images he finds on manhole covers in cities around the world. His show Ferrograms: Printmaking in the Street is currently on view at the International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC) in Ljubljana, Slovenia until April 29th.

Posted by marc at 7:39 AM in Art |

April 3, 2007


More here.

(via Core77)

Posted by marc at 5:09 PM in Art |

April 1, 2007

(nicked from here)

(nicked from here)

(nicked from here)

(nicked from here)

(nicked from here)

(nicked from here)

More examples can be found here.

Posted by marc at 11:07 AM in Art |