• February 9, 2003
  • Posted by Marc


src="http://www.woostercollective.com/indexbckgrd.jpe" WIDTH= "180" ALIGN=
"left" hspace="4">
URBAN ART OFFICIAL is the type of site that we
wish there were more of.  We love the group’s mission: (as stated on the
website): “Urban Art Official’s purpose is to promote street based art involving
graffiti, contemporary graphic design, photography and video installations.
There is a heavy focus on quality and the mixing of media. With each project
there is an attempt to use other art forms such as music, dance, theatre and
fashion. Urban Art Official’s aim is to bring a sense of involvement and be a
source of inspiration and encouragement. Art galleries can often seem
unwelcoming and pretentious places. We concentrate on providing vibrant and
welcoming environments full of aural stimulation.” 

Cool stuff. 
Check out their site at "New">urbanartofficial.co.uk