• December 6, 2005
  • Posted by Marc

Don’t Gve Up (Africa) Now Available on iTunes

src="http://www.woostercollective.com/images2/applekeep.jpg" />

/>Last week, on World AIDS Day, we mentioned our strong support for an amazing
charity called Keep A Child Alive
We also told you that beginning today, a new song from Alicia Keys and Bono will
be made available exclusively on Apple iTunes. All proceeds from the song go to
Keep A Child Alive. KCA’s sole mission is to get life sustaining drugs into
communities in Africa that don’t have access to the drugs that can keep children
and families alive while they battle the AIDS virus.

Starting this
morning, DON’T GIVE UP (AFRICA) is available via iTunes around the world.
If you can, it would mean a lot to us - and to the clinics that KCA
supports - if you could spend a dollar today by downloading the song. It’s a
great track, and a labor of love for everyone involved in the project.

/>If you have a website or weblog, please nick the image above and put it on
your site.  If you are a journalist, please try to get the world out for us. 
There will be no advertising for this effort, only word-of-mouth.  We’re relying
on all of you.

If the image above doesn’t work on your site, please
make a new one or drop us an email and we’ll make one for you.

goal today is to make this song the most downloaded digital single in history. 
With the support of the Wooster community around the world, we can make this

Thanks for listening and thanks for caring,


Marc and Sara