Wooster Collective : Event Listings

Sydney | September 4 | Bloxsome and Yok

- posted on 9:40 PM | link
New York | September 10 | DOMAexhibition at ZAKKA

DOMAexhibition at ZAKKA. 147 Grand St. New York, NY.
OPENING: FRIDAY September 10th /// Reception party begins from 7pm to 9pm.



WHo'sDOMA? +++++++++

"Understanding the world as a big lab helps to detect the reaction to each action. We are living a special moment in history - This scenario calls for action. DOMA tries to interfere in ALL the information channels available. Working with the same elements as them with a bit of irony... thus sparking change in people's perception; offering another point of view. The process: Cross ideas. Action-Reaction."

DOMA is a group of argentines that started in the Buenos Aires Street-Art scene in 1998 doing urban installations, stencils, street-projections and absurd campaigns. They studied illustration, film and graphic design. Today they divide their time between art projects and commercial work for clients like Mtv, Disney, Discovery, Fox and other companies.

Since the beginning in the Street-Art field, they started creating conceptual universes, different worlds and characters that have been evolving to come alive later with the group's specialization in animation, motion graphics, filming and VJeing.

In 2001 DOMA produced an experimental animation project called "01cerouno" (26 min.), a media intervention that was broadcast all over Latin America and Iberia on The Locomotion Channel. At the same time, DOMA was part of the group of artists that developed the award winning look of this cult channel.

In 2002 DOMA was invited by Curator Rafael Cippolini to participate in an important collective exhibition with photographers MUMI and UENO at Malba Museum in Buenos Aires. The main concept of this exhibition was Security/Surveillance/Fear and DOMA's work was a huge installation with security cones, CCTV, monitors, giant silhouettes and signs with messages.

Today, DOMA has just finished a process of more than two years of work, creating a crazy world full of parody and acid characters under the power of “Roni”, a "sketchy clown". “Roni World” is the name of this project that was born as a criticism towards the world situation and the argentine crisis of 2001. This project includes a website, art installations, videos, street campaigns, stencils, a book, dolls, posters and songs. This exhibition at Zakka is a handpicked selection of different series of pieces from this interesting project.

DOMA are Mariano Barbieri / Julian Pablo Manzelli / Matias Vigliano / Orilo Blandini.
They are located in Buenos Aires, Argentina and also in Miami, USA.
++ Contact: info@doma.tv

- posted on 9:05 PM | link
Boston | Septermber 16 | I was here

- posted on 8:05 AM | link
Basel | September 2 | Get Down

the former anneusual shop is being invaded...
come along and “get down” with the chapuisat brothers
september the 2nd for the opening night!
and take an unusual trip through a giant nest!

preview on http://mentary.com

opening night thursday september the 2nd
closing party saturday september 25th

“anneusual gallery”
feldbergstrasse 12
basel, switzerland.
(next to the anneusual shop)

opening hours
wed-sun 17h – 21h
or by appointment 079 744 52

- posted on 7:49 AM | link
San Francisco | October 7 | Whitewall Art Exhibition


"For the People" was created by Empte Eyes and a coalition of street artists, inviting the community to share an in-depth analysis of this culture's meaning, progression, and digression. This will be a legal event with progress in mind and a celebration for the people, and local and
international artists. "For the People" is represented by: Empte Eyes, in affiliation with stencilarchive.org and God Bless Graffiti Coalition. Street art has seen major change in the last year. Walls once flourished in color, creativity and culture, now sit in stagnant layers of grey and brown paint. The Big Buff of 2003 caused a fearful and violent reaction from our citizens known as street artists. Their First Amendment rights to freedom of speech stifled, the artists can no longer celebrate their beloved hoods without threat of suppression from many fronts.

This event is an attempt to speak out against the Big Buff, benefit the upcoming street art documentary "Negative Spaces" and to benefit local graffiti artist's legal fees, who are currently facing felony charges in S.F. California judges tell us that this group of graffiti artists are classified as a gang and can be arrested under gang related charges for art related crimes. Crews have been followed, investigated, and arrested for public writing.


We are now currently accepting artist submissions. This event is to showcase art pieces in the form of canvas, post consumer street objects, or anything the artists would like to represent in this ground breaking gallery show. Keeping it as true to the art form as possible. Stickers, posters and any other street promotions are also sought for a "collage wall" in the gallery. Others will be promoted throughout the 3-day event and possibly used for the upcoming documentary "Negative Spaces" and on the site: stencilarchive.org.

Submission deadline: September 30th 2004

Send to:

This whitewall art exhibition will be held at:

Crucible Steel Gallery
CELLspace, 2050 Bryant St., @ 18th St. SF, CA
Opening Night: Thursday Oct. 7 2004 at 7pm
bands, dj's, live painting and special guests included

Show will include a series of events (live murals) over 3 days, Oct 7th, 8th and 9th
Show comes down: Oct. 27 2004

- posted on 7:45 AM | link

Background pattern by : Wim
Wooster Collective
Wooster Collective's Cool Shit We're Diggin

Events are not listed in chronological order. Please check the archived pages for more events in your area.

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