• June 22, 2003
  • Posted by Marc

xoooox - The Vitals:Age: 23Hometown:


xoooox - The Vitals:

/>Age: 23
Hometown: Too small. I’ll move
to Berlin this summer!
Where do you now live?: Germany
/>How long have you been creating street art?: Since 1995
/>What did you do last night?: Last night I was cycling and
putting some cut outs over the city.
What is your favorite thing to
eat for dinner?:
Greek food, burger, doner kebap, schweinebraten with
Who is your favorite fictional character?: Krusty
The Clown
What do you currently have in your pockets?:
Receipt, tickets; 14,10 euros; 61 xoooox stickers, cellar key, lighter, chewing
gum, account card, bank card, remember list, keys, toothpick
If you
were given “more time,” what would you do with it?:
I would like to
paint more canvas.
Who do you love?: I love my girl, my
family and Puschel & Lilli my guinea pigs!


xoooox - The A’s to Our Q’s:

Wooster: How did you get started in
creating art for the street?

xoooox: 1995 I began
writing graffitis. 1999 was the first time I put some paper out in the

Wooster: Why X’s and O’s?

/>xoooox: These are very concrete shapes. I like this kind of
clearness and lightness.  The way to experiment with this shapes kicks me on.
It’s important for me to integrate my work in the living space. The X’s and O’s
are acting as a counterbalance to many things in our environment.  We are walled
and surrounded by so many impressions that too much people become blunted. My
X’s and O’s are saying ‘hey, wake up and ask yourself what it is, why it is?
They are simulating feelings, situations and smells. Street art is a package of
questions. The problem is that too many people can’t find the answer.  They are
too lazy to think about it and they get angry.

What other street artists do you most admire and why?

/>xoooox: I love the work of Mateus. It’s the kind of street
art I like. This was a big inspiration to me.  href="http://www.kawsone.com/">Kaws, Zevs. Also href="http://www.danwitzstreetart.com/">Dan Witz’s very expressive works. href="http://www.wearechangeagent.com/swoon/">Swoon’s beautiful cut out’s
acts as mirrows. I love banksy. There are so many great rebels out there.

Wooster: What’s your favorite city, neighborhood, or
block, to post and/or to see street art?

Places were many people comes around. Clean plains are good. Billboards.
Everything and everywhere. Places where nobody is figure on to see street art.
Surprises are good. There is no doubt that New York is the capital of street
art. Paris is very strong, too.

Wooster: What
inspires you now?

xoooox: Too many things. Last week
I saw so many glowworms. The kind they were flying was inspirative. Music,
angry faces, conservatively, trash, supermarkets, animals, nature, advertising,
media….the live.

Wooster: What are you currently working on?  Can
you give us a sneak peek?

xoooox: Swoon asked me if
I would like to take part on the href="http://www.toyshopcollective.com">toyshop collective project
‘indivisible cities’. It’s a great concept. I’m going to put out some work of a
new york based artist. He’s going to do the same with my stuff. The finally
documentations will be shown as part of an exhibiton in Berlin from August 20th
to September 20th as a part of the ‘Backjumps: the live issue’ show.  The other
is ‘grass attack’. I’m
bringing the X’s and O’s to the city parks. Where people are laying and
relaxing. They have time to chill and think about it. They can sleep among the
X’s and O’s and dream of a better world. hihahoooo.


