• May 29, 2003
  • Posted by Marc

Wooster: (via email) “Mudwig -

Wooster: (via email) “Mudwig - Did you
take any snaps of the opening of the "http://www.sideeffectsofurethane.com/">Surface In Between exhibit that you
can send us?  How did it go?” (Note: Dan was one of the artists contributing to
what, by all accounts, is an incredible show now currently running in London)
(via email):
“yeah was a great night! went down on the friday and
drank much westcountry cider my flatmate took soome flicks but they may be a bit
scrappy? there were a good few hundred folks in tow and we were all muchos
drunk…. so I’m not sure how interesting theyll look? Will check em out and
post you
any good ones.. I’m goin back next week to get a proper look at
the art sort some out then….. any hoos! peace”