• January 20, 2003
  • Posted by Marc

Woke up this morning to

src="http://www.woostercollective.com/adidas.jpg" align="right" hspace="10">Woke
up this morning to find a line outside our flat stretching around the corner. 
Hundreds of people had gathered in front of the Adidas Concept Store (on Wooster
in Soho) to be the first to get one of 5000 pairs of the just released limited
addition “Jason Mizell Ultrastar” kicks from Adidas. 100% of the proceeds is
going to the DJ Scratch Academy, a school for aspiring DJ started by the latea
Jam Master Jay in New York. We met a ton of sneaker collectors, graf artists,
and DJ’s.

Did we get on line and get a pair for ourselves?... You
know it!

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