• January 8, 2004
  • Posted by Marc

What The Hell Do We Call This Thing… More Responses

Another terrific set of responses to our question
- “What the hell should we be calling the current art movement that sites like
Wooster and others are featuring?”  Here’s what’s come in over the last few

From Abe of href="http://www.abstractdynamics.org">Abstract Dynamics: I’ve found that
“post graffiti” is the best term when it comes to actually getting people to
understand the meaning. It also sucks as a phrase. I love the poetic
suggestion, but it has a larger established meaning and I’m
not sure it would catch on. How many artists really are reading Bey anyway?
Seems like just a rarified slice of them, and not necessarily a representative

I’m pretty fascinated by the way many artists are involved in
a self branding process, which lends itself to something like “renegade
but that probably excludes a lot of artists.

Eddie: Demonstracting (v), Demonstract (v), Demonstraction (n)
= Demonstrate [yourself or a concept or message] + exacting [from your
surroundings]+ distracting [the masses from the rest of the clutter]

/>Rebelate (n), Rebelation (n) = Rebeling [against convention] + revelation
[giving the public a glimpse at the bigger picture] + relate [an idea its world
- its landscape and inhabitants]

Exhabition (n) or Exhibitation (n),
Exhabit (v)= Exhibiting [people, places. things or ideas] + habitat [involving
the world around a work] + habit [creating can be addicting and almost

From vos in rotterdam, NL:  “Maybe we
should call it:  URBAN CURATING S”

Thomas Egas in Brazil: concrete disalianation, public stamping,
outside insiders, building orchideas, hypechurch, in-your-face art, urban
fingerprinting, out of order gallery, authoral infosigns, pre-posts,
architecture tattoing, urbanchildrenwenttoplay, asphalt sketchbooking

/>From Sophie Thompson - Renaissance. A rebirth or revival. The
humanistic revival of classical art, architecture, literature, and learning that
originated in Italy in the 14th century and later spread throughout Europe. A
revival of intellectual or artistic achievement and vigor. The period of such a

Renaissance is a strong word to use as it suggests a long
sense of history and a renewed outlook on something, and rightly so. Street art
and other mediums have always been there but there is a certain sense of people
taking a bit more notice and seeing it for what it is; a HUGE collection of
beautifully talented people having the perseverance and confidence to not put
limitations on themselves.

From Freaklub in
Barcelona: “We think that our artwork is a large bridge between two steps.

We are at the beggining on the first.


Also, we don’t know where we go and when we will finish.

We could define this as “Urban TakeOvers” or “1st Steps
2 Lastvangarde”

The word ” post-* ” is limited.
Our works ( from all the artists now ) are xtremelly unlimited and there are
many kind of xpressions together… we are on a great moment… just njoy
between ourselves showing and learning.”

From Rake
in Bulgaria: “I think that street art is not exactly post graffiti. actually
graffiti is a street art- street art is graffiti. but what does it mean
graffiti? it is not just a a word, this is an expression, a lifestyle, I think
that you shouldn’t do only one thing all the time, you can also keep painting,
photographing, bombing trains, throwing up, sticking etc. graffiti is something
so huge and enormous, graffiti includes many forms of art and expressions and
art perfprmances, when you’re going to bomb or to stick in - its a kind of new
form of art performance and the result in many cases isn’t so important as the
painting, the situation and memorys. Actually you are making all this shit for
you and for the ussual folks wich are waiting for bus at the station and reading
your message. in bulgaria it is something really new and strange, people didn’t
expect to see a stencil or sticker with political/social message they’re
expecting to see an fuckin advertisement…in the smallest countries like
bulgaria and many other european/world where the system and generations are
chnagin very fast most of the people doesn’t ask themselves about globalism,
mass mediaand all kind off manipulations, most of the people in the world are
living second hand live, they are watchin fuckin tv, searchin the internet,
massmedia deciades whats good for them and whats worse, they are wathcing the tv
news which are strictly censored and manipulated and they had been brainwahsed,
but the worst thing is that they didn’t realise it because most of people looks
like them…the real way to find yourself is to be unique and individual,your
art will always have an influence from real world but the influences are
something usual..just think about it,your whole life is one big
influence,everyone have his personal (brain space, therythory) and it has been
attacked daily by everything arround him, and his art is actually a print of
whole this shit, you will say that it doesn’t have nothing to do with the
question…see ya next time in the damn streets and staions…”

“here are my few suggestions for a new name for street art but i still think
street art is quite accurate, but when i try and explain it to peeps i always
end up saying

“it’s like graffiti but its MORE then graffiti”
- urban re-developement

- urban

- public expressionism
- public/urban exhibitionists

And finally,
from Chris: “a name for a new art-movement ummm… if i was u,
i would just do what the “dada” movement did (the dada were formed just after
ww2) just flip through a dictionary or foreign dictionary)  and point at a word
and just use that!

What do you think?  Send you responses to