• July 14, 2006
  • Posted by Marc

Thundercut Hits The Kitchen… and Coney Island


While most artists are hitting the streets this summer, our good friends Thundercut are hitting the kitchen.

In a burst of creative energy, Thundercut (the duo who do the amazing street light “walkers”) have opened up a Strawberry Shortcake stand for the summer on the famed Coney Island boardwalk in New York. They’ve also launched a blog for the stand that’s quite fun as from time to time you can spot various artists posing for a photo. 

This weekend is the Siren Music Festival, so if you head out for some music, be sure to stop by the stand and say hello.  Telling them “Wooster sent us” won’t necessarily get you a discount, but it will probably get you a smile and a warm handshake smile


Here’s some recent walkers….

