• July 30, 2003
  • Posted by Marc

This looks like a great

This looks like a great show. We’ve been
hearing about Backjumps for months from Swoon. Any group show that has Banksy,
WK, Swoon, and Zevs, all participating, has got to be amazing—Wooster



/>Send your Stickers to us! Or come to Berlin and bring your stickers, posters,
stencils to urban- art.space - stick, paste, spray!......they will be a part of
the next Exhibition. Same date, same space…`The Act is the beauty` with AKAY,
ADAMS, FREAKS GALLERY etc… Vernisage will be at the 30.8.03. Deadline for
sending Stickers (small Posters, too) 25.8.03!!!!!! adresse:

Art.INFO / Brunnenstr. 171/ 10119 Berlin Germany
This Exhibitions will be
also a part of the big BACKJUMPS `The live Issue` - Exhibition in Berlin/
Kreuzberg (Vernisage 22.08.03).... artists: BANKSY, WK INTERACT, SWOON,