• November 28, 2003
  • Posted by Marc

THE ESSENTIALS #18 - Chun1’s Tha Bangkok Essentials



Chun1’s Tha Bangkok Essentials!!

1. Siam Square - The place for the
coolest department stores, a place to chill and lookin’ at girls and shit.
beware: if you bomb here, even with little stickers, the guards are goin’ to
bring tha RUCKUS!!!

2. Kao San Road - Thai
way!! Filled with locals and tourists.. nite life, club kids, bombing!

/>3. On Nuch - the street galore! bombing over and over every
day! sometimes it brings war, but it’s nice to look at some new fresh shit every
time u pass by.

4. Tom Yum Kung - Thai Food!!!
SPICY!!! If u ever been to Thailand, don’t forget to order this dish when u eat
at Thai restaurant!!  real ill yall!

5.  Thai Ladies
- Thai ladies kick ass!!! yeah!!!