• November 12, 2004
  • Posted by Marc

Resolution with IDW

As we mentioned yesterday, Alex De Campi was
working extremely hard yesterday behind the scenes to get Banksy’s consent on
her Smoke covers. As Alex has just posted on her href="http://www.alexdecampi.com/">site, she did indeed get Banksy’s
approval this morning. From Banksy:

“alex- everything
will be cool if the comic is good. if the comic is bad we fight friday night in
the car park of wetherspoons, crouch end 8pm no weapons -b”

/>Alex also writes on her site:

“And I hope the street art community
will accept my apology for the mis-steps I made in handling all this. I
genuinely love the wit and design sensibility of street art, and really the last
thing I wanted to do was piss all of you off. If SMOKE lasts beyond the initial
3-issue season, I’d love to see if we could commission some of the incredibly
talented artists whose work I’ve discovered via Marc and the Wooster site to
officially do covers for us. But I warn you all: indie comics is a bit like
street art, really. Nobody does it for money (because there isn’t any).”
So “onwards and upwards” as they say.  We do hope that by bringing this
issue to light as publically as we did, the process will begin to change.  We
feel strongly that Alex is being honest in her sentiments, and truly wish her
the best with Smoke.