• May 26, 2005
  • Posted by Marc

Property Games - Misguided and All Wrong

As street art becomes more popular it’s
inevitable that more and more people will come up with ways to try to make a
quick buck from it. So today we came across a


web based
project called PROPERTY GAMES, that for us, has is all wrong.

concept behind Property Games is for people to steal well known imagery from
popular street artists and then create a “visual mashup” of the inconography of
those artists. But the end goal is not to simply create an artistic collage. The
motivation behind Property Games is to sell crappy products off the web that
feature the stolen images. Through Property Games you can buy href="http://www.cafepress.com/propertygames">cheap t-shirts and mugs that
feature artwork by your favorite street artists. The problem - the artists have
no involvement at all whatsoever. They’re not able to say no. They can’t say
that the designs look like shit. And they don’t make any money from it.

/>PropertyGames is taking the approach that if it’s on the streets it’s there to
be stolen. Their website proclaims - “Street art = Free art”. We couldn’t
disagree more. The last person that should be ripped off are the artists working
on the street. We hope that Property Games is a project that will go away
quickly. The idea behind it sucks. Plain and Simple.
