• August 3, 2004
  • Posted by Marc

Profle: kokz


/>Age: 42
Hometown: Leeds
Where do you now live?:
Where would you most like to live?: Amongst high mountains by
a lake.
Who was your first “hero” in life?: Clarks Commandos - a
British comic strip about school kids fighting crime from the early 70s
/>What is your favorite thing to do on your day off from work?: Sailing,
playing with my kids, reading, watching comedy DVDs.
What is your
favorite color?:
Bright Pink
Who (or what) do you love?: My
partner, my kids, my boat (tiny, but it gets me out on the water which is all
that matters).


/>Who and/or what are some of your influences?

Jenny Holzer
for her words and Andy Goldworthy for his quiet passion and the beauty of his
work. These were the two artists that made me realise that you can make art then
put it straight out into the world, rather than try to sell it to someone first.
I was also very inspired by a lot of the AIDs activist stuff from the late 80s
and early 90s, stuff by ACT UP in particular. Also more recently, spending two
days taking pics of street art in Barcelona which made be decide it was time to
start putting stuff up again ( I stopped about ten years back).

/>What other artists do you most admire?

Jenny Holzer,
Banksy, Barbara Kruger, Andy Goldsworthy, The Plug, Emka, Cisma, Gillian
Wearing, Keith Haring.

How would you describe your art to
someone who could not see it?

Little lost men and their

What other talent would most like to have?

/>To be able to read as fast as my partner!

What do you
fear the most?


What is your greatest

To stay positive, and see everything.



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