• September 15, 2003
  • Posted by Marc

Profile: Medium


Medium - The Vitals:

Age: 22
Belleville Canada
Where do you now live?: Toronto
How long have you been creating street art?: Just
over 3 years
What did you do last night?: Put up some
wheatpastes in my area, worked on a painting.
What is your favorite
thing to eat for dinner?:
Who is your favorite
fictional character?:
Krillen from Dragon Ball Z
What do
you currently have in your pockets?:
Two lighters and 26 cents
/>If you were given “more time,” what would you do with it?:
Read more and make more art.
Who do you love?: My
parents for raising me right, Aubrey for understanding, and my girlfriend for
giving me the booty necessary to continue on from day to day.


Medium - The A’s to Our Q’s:

Wooster: How did you get started in
creating art for the street?

medium: I’ve been into
painting my whole life. I had a job at an arcade when I was 18 or 19. This very
attractive co-worker got word that I was into painting and for some reason
assumed that the painting I was into was graf. She asked me to take her out one
night and teach her how to spraypaint, and I said: “uh…sure”. So in the week
before our date I tried to teach myself to spraypaint and got hooked. I don’t
talk to that girl anymore.

Wooster: What other
street artists do you most admire and why?

Twist because he is the best. Thesis because he’s not frightened to be
called an art fag. Green because hes got balls, and Toye, just cause Toye’s a
good guy.

Wooster: What’s your favorite city,
neighborhood, or block, to post and/or to see street art?

/>medium: Kennsington Market, cause you can do whatever you
want and nobody cares. Good vibe, lots of character art over there.

/>Wooster: What inspires you now?

The sense of competition used to really get me working, but I think
I’ve mellowed out in the last bit. I think that the art community in general
inspires me to work, its nice to be a part of something. I grew up in a small
town with little culture, so its nice to come here and learn of all these people
who are thinking about some of the same stuff as I am.. Does that make sense?

Wooster: What are you currently working on? Can you
give us a sneak peek?

medium: I just finished the
book that I’ve been working on for the last few months, drawings and stuff. I
wheatpasted up some of the extra pages last night. My buddy Aubry and I have
been working on some puppets lately as well, hopefully we can get a puppet show
out on the street corners soon. So yeah, near future = more puppets I guess, and
keeping up with the canvas pieces and street art.


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