• January 30, 2004
  • Posted by Marc

Profile: Al Padrino


Al Padrino - The Vitals:

Age: unknown…
/>Hometown: BX,NYC
Where do you now
Long Island City, NY
How long have you been
creating art?: I
was born with a silver paint brush in my mouth…
/>What did you do last night?:  I drank all the crizzy AND all
the brown…
What is your favorite thing to eat for
Who is your favorite fictional
my favorite fictional character is Billy D. Williamsburg,
superstar poet from the “I Was a Teenage Jesus” Ghetto Lit series…
/>What do you currently have in your pockets?: a zippo lighter,
a switchblade named “Santa Muerte”, a couple of buttons and lots of loose
If you were given “more time,” what would you do with
  i’d probably waste that too…
Who do you love?:
june bugg…


Al - The A’s to Our Q’s:

Wooster: How did you get started
in creating art?

Al: i started real early…but it
all goes way back to growing up in the BX…i saw graff when it was still
running on the MTA…i got into that and started rockin black books in
school…now I rock paintings like the Pope rocks hats…

/>Wooster: How would you describe your style?

/>Al: I call my style Post-Contemporary Vandalism…that’s for
the academic suckaz and ignorant scholars…but in reality my style is like the
art of fighting without fighting…like bruce lee meets ghandi or
something…mixed with a dash of street sublime…

What other artists do you most admire and why?

i admire artists that innovate…they’re the ones that keep it moving
and keep art from getting stale…artists like SubCommandante Marcos, Chris
Ofili, R.Kelly and Bob Ross…and way too many others to mention…

/>Wooster: What’s your favorite city, neighborhood, or block,
to post and/or to see street art?

Al: living in
NYC I’d have to say that the LES is where it’s at and everybody knows it…but
every borough has lots to see so i really can’t play favorites…   
Wooster: What inspires you now?

inspiration is for amateurs and hacks…but i really like what’s
happening with street art… especially as it keeps crossing over and
infiltrating the old guard art world…that keeps me on my toes cuz cats keep
raising the bar all the time…

Wooster: What are
you currently working on?  Can you give us a sneak peek?

i’m laying out my next set of masterpieces which i plan to drop on the
world by springtime…i’ll definitely keep y’all updated with the new


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