- May 31, 2006
- Posted by Marc
Logan Hicks Hits Melbourne: Report #1
Recently, Logan Hicks returned from an extensive trip to Australia to attend Melbourne’s Stencil Festival. Here’s his first report:
Stencil Festival
The whole purpose of my trip to Melbourne was to attend the Stencil Festival. It is a bit odd to think that the medium of stenciling has grown enough to warrant a festival of its own,but sure enough, it has. After a 15 hour flight i was hopeful that the people of Melbourne would be as receptive to my work as they were others. I wasnt disappointed. The work in the show was exceptional.
The Festival went on for 4 days, and had plenty to choose from. There was a stencil t-shirt workshop with artists Miso and Ghostpatrol, collaborative workshop where the artworks where auctioned off and the profits given to a charity, and on Saturday night there was a live painting demonstration with myself, Phibs, Prism, Form, and the Die
Laughing Crew from Tazmania. By all outward indications the festival in melbourne was a flying success.
Unfortunately i had to cut my tripa little short and I was unable to attend the Sydney leg of the Stencil Festival. The Sydney festival will take place June 1-5th. There is no doubt in my mind that the show will be just as amazing as
it was in Melbourne.
For more info: stencilfestival.com