• October 16, 2003
  • Posted by Marc


Finally, I couldn’t write a bit about Brighton
without mentioning IS THIS YOU. This guy uses found photo’s of random people as
street art, and his stuff is ill. He’s been featured on Wooster before, but
when he found out I was writing this feature he sent me this:

/>”...Every week a new campaign. These pics feature new billboard work in
London and Brighton, plus an ‘interactive sticker’ campaign—each sticker
features a ‘local’ version of the site for local people without internet
access. Also, been doing sticker exchanges with href="http://www.girlsbike.com">Abe Lincoln jr in New York, target="_blank" href="http://www.jet-pac.org">Jet Pac in Old York and target="_blank" href="http://www.coloryourcity.tk">Color Your City in

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