• January 22, 2004
  • Posted by Marc

Give ‘Em Props!... bl4ckh4m by Horsie


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“These posters were up for a while in a Pittsburgh neighborhood where
I often hang out. I saw them and got completely excited by them. Especially the
one that says “How Will I Make It? I Won’t, That’s How”, by href="http://www.bl4ckh4m.com/">bl4ckh4m. I mean it made me laugh out loud,
a lot. I liked the design and the message both. I had just been through a lot of
bullshit in the arts community with a grant-funded project, blah blah blah… 
I was clear that I didn’t want a job that was a career, that what I wanted was
to make art and to have it be something that has to do with freedom and fun and
access and resistance. So I was definitely not “making it”.  I started making
art for the streets shortly thereafter. So I’d say it was a big goddamn
inspiration.”... Horsie

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