• December 12, 2008
  • Posted by Marc

Give Em Props!:  Pablo Aravena on “On the Road” by Jack Kerouac


“A book that continues to inspire me is “On the Road” by Jack Kerouac. After reading it at 17 I worked for a whole year to save up to go to Europe. I wanted to do the same thing Sal did but Eurailing. Ever since then I travel as much as possible to experience the thrill of discovery and life on the move. I am fascinated with the life and type of people the book depicted. Bohemians, musicians, artists, criminals, drug addicts, outsiders who are so alive creating, living on the edge. I guess what the characters in the book were doing, the whole idea of living life in certain way in order to create, play music, write, paint, it was inspirational to me.”... Pablo Aravena

Note from Wooster: Pablo’s terrific documentary, NEXT: A Primer on Urban Painting, is finally out on DVD.  The DVD extras include Live Painting in Miami w/ Barnstormers, HVW8 & Inkheads, Live Painting in Miami featuring Lee, Doze & Dzine, Tony Alva in Paris. You can get it by clicking here.