• August 16, 2003
  • Posted by Marc

Give ‘Em Props!—Matthew


Give ‘Em Props!—Matthew Barney by Jet Pac

After some thought the winner is…Matthew Barney and specifically a
series of films he made between 1995 and 2002 called the href="http://www.cremaster.net">Cremaster Cycle (and be warned some of his
stuff is pretty messed up). Clearly there’s alot going on in these films, far
more than i could cover here so i’m just gonna talk about the visuals…One of
the most incredible thing about these films is the attention to detail, every
prop, scene, sculpture and piece of clothing has been considered…and it all
looks like it’s from another world. These images will stay with you. So if you
get a chance to see the films or any of the documentation you should definitely
go…though it’s probably not one to take your mum to.

And i always
think its a good idea to end on a bit of micro-trivia, so here goes…he’s going
out with Bjork and she had his baby in October last year. Oh and Cremaster
refers to “the muscle that raises and lowers the male reproductive system
according to temperature, external stimulation, or fear” (apparently).

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