• June 10, 2003
  • Posted by Marc

From Adbusters Magazine’s Culture Jammers


Adbusters Magazine’s "http://adbusters.org/information/network/">Culture Jammers Network: “In the
coming months a black spot will pop up everywhere . . . on store windows and
newspaper boxes, on gas pumps and supermarket shelves. Open a magazine or
newspaper - it’s there. It’s on TV. It stains the logos and smears the nerve
centers of the world’s biggest corporations. This is the mark of the people who
don’t approve of President Bush’s plan to control the world, who don’t want
countries liberated without UN backing, who can’t stand any more neo-con
bravado shoved down their throats. This is the mark of the people who want the
Kyoto Protocol for the environment, who want the International Criminal Court
for greater justice, who want a world where all nations, including the U.S.A.,
are free of weapons of mass destruction.”  For more check out "http://unbrandamerica.org">Unbrand America