• December 20, 2008
  • Posted by Marc

Ethos:  The A’s To Our Q’s


Hometown: Sao Paulo
Where do you now live?: birigui/sao paulo
Where would you most like to live?: i need discovery so much places in future…...
Who was your first “hero” in life?: my brothers
What is your favorite thing to do on your day off from work?: i play percussion and love music…..
What is your favorite color?: fluorescent tons….
Who (or what) do you love?:  my friends, my life painting….


Wooster: Who and/or what are some of your influences?
In the beginning I was very influenced by artists of pixaçao from sao paulo, urban; c.maluco, psychopaths and so on ... mais adiante conheci o grafiti de N.Y. e depois me abri a todas as influencias artisticas de diversos suportes…

Wooster: What other artists do you most admire?

I like people from the old school and new school of sao paulo! osgemeos, Onesto, also vitche .... .. esher older artists, Gustav Klimt, Francis Bacon .. I like things from sao paulo as the art of “balloonist” practicing an illegal and very interesting art, done only with Chinese paper, glue, gas and fire!

Wooster: How would you describe your art to someone who could not see it?

tudo que pode ser imaginado pode ser desenhado ,de um projeto de arquitetura a um sentimento…..
nossa mente e capaz de produzir sinteses e signos ,minha arte tenta traduzir ao mundo do sensivel coisas e seres do mundo imaterial ou sensorial….
    como um jogo de cartas as minhas imagens tem valores e significados , mas por vezes se oculta a minha racionalidade ....

Wooster: What other talent would most like to have?

to play percussion.

Wooster: What do you fear the most?

My fears are linked to my pleasures and challenges, without moving my life .. I feel most consistently successful by my fear and suffer for it .....
Wooster: What is your greatest ambition?
to continue painting.
