• November 3, 2003
  • Posted by Marc

Edward’s Birds

Do you remember this blast from the past? ... Way
back around 1994 or so, my good friend Edward began to spread his art to the
limbs of trees. He used good climbing skills along with wire and pliers to tie
his wooden bird cut-outs to the branches of trees all over Manhattan. Even
though he only did them for a short while, he managed to put up hundreds!
Many still remain today, even with each season’s prunings. The very
concept of climbing trees in New York City to install “street art” still blows
me away…I’m trying to convince him to put back on his climbing shoes and to
get to it again!

These pics are from the mid 1990’s.
src="/guests/mdefeo/2-1.jpg" border="0" width="400" height="550" vspace="3"
vspace="3" />
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src="/guests/mdefeo/2-6.jpg" border="0" width="400" height="309" vspace="3"