• June 4, 2003
  • Posted by Marc

Derek from UrbanMedium - The


Derek from UrbanMedium - The Vitals:

/>Age: 27
Hometown: Originally born in San Juan, Puerto
Where do you now live?: Los Angeles
How long have you
been creating street art?:
For public consumption, about four years.
/>What did you do last night?: Sat on the couch cutting out DESTRO heads
and watching tv. (see new sticker image)
What is your favorite thing to
eat for dinner?:
If it has chicken in it, I’m down.
Who is your
favorite fictional character?:
George Bush
What do you currently
have in your pockets?:
Wallet, keys, left over sticker backing, some lint, a
If you were given “more time,” what would you do with it?:
Paint more, actually play with my toys, and make more stickers and
Who do you love?: The Halex


Derek -
The A’s to Our Q’s:

Wooster: How did you get started in
creating art for the street?

Derek: My art always used street
themes and icons; however, I never really took it to the street until about four
years ago when I first moved to Los Angeles. Was blown away by the amount of
pasting going on, made me rethink my art. I needed to contribute.

/>Wooster: What other street artists do you most admire and why?

/>Derek: I admire Kinsey, href= "http://www.obeygiant.com/">Shepard, "http://www.buffmonster.com/">Buff Monster - anyone who’s willing to go out
and express themselves.

Wooster: What’s your favorite city,
neighborhood, or block, to post and/or to see street art?

/>Derek: Los Angeles is a big ass canvas, so many places for artistic
opportunity. Right now I’m all about infiltrating some of the “cleaner” areas -
like Santa Monica and Beverly Hills. Shit doesn’t stay up long…but that’s ok.

Wooster: What inspires you now?

Derek: When
I see a new paste, sticker, or stencil that makes me say “damn!” -

/>Wooster: What are you currently working on?  Can you give us a sneak

Derek: I’m working on some new paintings and stickers,
continuing to push UrbanMedium as a brand. Intrigued by the idea of creating a
vinyl figure, I’m talking to a few people now. It’s all good.


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