• January 31, 2004
  • Posted by Marc

Currency Exchange from GONZO247 of Aerosol Warfare


/>“This is tha Gonzilla Lady Thrilla coming at ya in full effect (like your
grandpaw on Viagra) representing the href="http://aerosolwarfare.com/">Aerosol Warfare crew down here on the 3rd
coast. I wanted to drop you a line to let in on the Happs out here in the Dirty


Currency Exchange

A stencil is cut with a particular image. Each image
is sprayed on 50 to 100 bills (making each stenciled note a limited edition
piece of art). The Notes are then used in everyday transactions and thus begins
the Journey (but without Steve Perry). At the end of the 50/100 run, the Stencil
is destroyed, solidifying the series and forcing the creation of a new (image)
stencil. Rinse, Lather, Repeat. The average dollar bill is exchanged many times
in 1 day (much more in its lifespan). Now… I know I didn’t invent this wheel,
but I’mma put a 20 inch rim on it! By placing art on the back of the Note it now
becomes a traveling art gallery taking art everywhere from a Strippers G-String
to a Collection Plate at Church (and every crevasse in between)!




To infiltrate, penetrate, and conjugate the system. What
better way to get ‘Inside’ than to sneak a free ride on the Paper that feeds the
Machine? This isn’t Defacing the green-back, it’s REfacing! When these notes
were created, they were created based on an “America” that no longer exists. The
Notes do not represent today’s America….so what better way to update America
than to give its paper a Face Lift? On the commodity side, is this note now
worth more than the gold that backs it?



The New Notes will be distributed in Houston,
TX…NYC & Chicago (we will see where they go from there). The Super Bowl is in
full effect in Houston this weekend, so this is a great opportunity to unleash
the Notes. Seeing how there are over 140 thousand people from all over the world
in town for this event, there is no telling where these Notes will end up.
Examples Shown:

1. “Pork Barrel Rises”
2. “Feed the Rich
while you bury the Poor”
3. “Why talk to my kid? The TV keeps him

This is GONZO247 from Texas reporting live from a Payphone,
signing out….
******************************end transmission.

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