- June 5, 2013
- Posted by Sara
Cover Art Contest & Zine Submission: 10 Years of Wooster Collective
Wooster Collective is creating a zine to commemorate our 10 Year Anniversary. We invite YOU to design the cover and submit pieces to be included! The zine will be printed and distributed at the 10 Year Anniversary Exhibition at Jonathan Levine Gallery in New York City this upcoming August.
Cover Art Guidelines
-Front Cover Dimensions: 8.5 inches [height] x 5.5 inches [width] (Portrait Style)
-Back Cover Dimensions: Same as Front. When printed together, they should fit on a standard 8.5 x 11 inch sheet of paper
-Resolution: 300 dpi
-Up to 4 colors max or monochromatic
-Front Cover must include the following text (without quotation marks):
"Marc & Sara Schiller present
10 Years of Wooster Collective: 2003-2013"
-Back Cover must include:
"Wooster on Paper #4
-Email your submissions to woostercollective@gmail.com in PDF or JPG formats.
-In the Subject line, write "Cover Art Submission." If your design is selected, you must be willing to send your Photoshop or Illustrator versions for final editing.
-Submission Deadline: June 30, 2013. Winner will be selected and notified by July 5, 2013.
One winner will receive:
-Cover art credit with their website printed inside the zine
-A copy of the zine
-An artist feature on WoosterCollective.com and Wooster Collective's Facebook Page
Content Guidelines
We will also consider submissions to be included in the zine:
-Artwork (drawings, collages, photographs)
-Must be sent as a digital file in JPG or PNG format
-300 dpi
-Full color (set in CMYK format) or gray scale acceptable
-Sizes (height x width):
a) Full spread: 8.5" x 11"
b) 1 page: 8.5" x 5.5"
c) 1/4 page: 4.25" x 5.5"
-Must be sent as a .doc or .txt file
-Include Title
-Up to 30 lines of writing
-Must be sent as a .doc or .txt file
-Include Title
-Word count maximum: 250
If selected, name credit will be given to all artists and writers.
Email your submissions to woostercollective@gmail.com
In the Subject line, write "Zine Submission"
Submission Deadline: June 30, 2013. Contributors will be selected and notified by July 5, 2013.
If you have any questions, email woostercollective@gmail.com. We look forward to seeing the submissions! Good luck!