• April 21, 2009
  • Posted by Marc

Catchin’ Up WIth…. Swoon




“i am writing from slovenia, building rafts again!

we are camped out in ankaran slovenia at a marina who’s very kind and generous owners are letting us use their boat yard to build, and their jetties to launch our pontoons and continue building afloat. above are pictures of the first pontoon launch, the model for the new raft, and the new raft’s deck in progress.

it’s beautiful out here, the sea is intimidating, but there are lots of canals we can travel on windy days.

we’re early in our build phase, but already the wonder and surprise on people’s faces when we explain what we are up to is reminding me of why we do these things.

i made two small prints, the sale of which will help us buy food and fuel and tools and all the thousand spinning parts we need to make this thing real.

here’s a link to them:


ok, wish us luck!”

... Swoon