• May 31, 2007
  • Posted by Marc

Bringing The Inside Outside



After filling windows with images of what her thought would be inside, Mike Newton decided to bring the rooms out onto the street.  He tells us…

“I started this project by considering how people are so intrigued by whats going on
behind closed doors. So armed with a load of wallpaper, print outs, some old fires and a set of framed images i went ahead and constructed these pieces. I used pics of myself and my mates in the frames as a of way letting the viewer into the antics that go on in our homes.

(i revisited one of the pieces the following day where i was approached by a security guard who was actually really impressed with “whoever had done it” then he began to tell me how he spotted it in the morning with loads of beer cans scattered in front of it so we recon the tramps had a right good party in their new outdoor living room)