• August 22, 2006
  • Posted by Marc

Alejandro’s Räubertanz



Räubertanz, (the dance of the thief or robber) is a video depicting people in Berlin’s busy district of Kreuzberg taking the artist Alejandro’s personal belongings from the street.

Alejandro explains - “It’s an attempt to document body movements and expression when morals strike. The final product is a memoir of the object that I didn’t needed any more and had to let go. This is the text that the galleries used is = Through a period of six months Lecuna left outside his residency various objects that he didn’t need anymore. A hidden camera is looking outside the window and recording the objects in the street. This “action” documents how the objects are “stolen” or taken by common people and the minimum dance and body movements they make whenever moral background strikes in the head. At the end the artist provides a voyeuristic pleasure of looking at neighbors, who they are, their clothes, the context, the memory of the original object, it’s new owner and how it passed away.