• December 16, 2003
  • Posted by Marc

Add Another One To The List—Congratulations Dalek.


/>This past Saturday afternoon, just before it started to snow like crazy here
in New York, we caught up with one of our favorite artists, href="http://www.dalekart.com">Dalek. We were thrilled to hear that less
than two weeks ago, Dalek and his wife had their first child, a baby boy named
James.  If you’re keeping score, that’s at least four in the last three weeks
alone. Other artists who’ve recently had their first child include href="http://www.evildesign.com">MCA, href="http://www.vinnieray.com">Vinnie Ray, and href="http://www.mdfeo.com">Michael DeFeo (aka the Flower Guy) 
Congratulations to all of you!