• September 1, 2005
  • Posted by Marc

Abandoned Car Art in Maui, Hawaii

src="http://www.woostercollective.com/images2/hawcar1.jpg" />

src="http://www.woostercollective.com/images2/hawcar2.jpg" />

src="http://www.woostercollective.com/images2/hawcar3.jpg" />

src="http://www.woostercollective.com/images2/hawcar4.jpg" />

Funky Love: “The photos above show what happens in the not so urban area of
maui, hawaii. there is a problem here with abandoned cars. in the past six month
or so it’s become quite a political issue because there is no place on the
island to dispose of junk vehicles so they’re getting left everywhere and piling
up on the sides of the roads, etc. at least one person has taken up
“beautifying” the situation and using these cars as canvasses but i think theres
multiple artists out there”