• February 27, 2005
  • Posted by Marc

A Day In The Life Of…. Darius

src="http://www.woostercollective.com/images2/dariusday1.jpg" />
“As I did
in London, I spend at least an hour and a half on the Metropolitan Transit
Authourity every day. The Tubes of London are much cleaner and efficiant but New
York’s subways run all night long.”

src="http://www.woostercollective.com/images2/dariusday2.jpg" />
” I always
find a way to make my art everyday, in some way shape or form,  always.”

/>“On this particular day, all my tasks went according to plan. These rare
moments I’ve learned to cherrish.”

src="http://www.woostercollective.com/images2/dariusday3.jpg" />
“At the
end of the day I go “home”. I question my concept of home because my a apartment
is more like a room that I sleep in for 8 hours, then rise again for the next
day’s course.”