• January 8, 2013
  • Posted by Marc

10 Years Of Wooster: Vómito Attack


As we celebrate our 10th Anniversary of the Wooster Collective website. we asked a group of artists who we showcased in the beginnings of the website the following question:

What's the one thing that you learned in the last decade that you had wished someone had told you 10 years ago?

The following response comes from Vómito Attack.

"I was born, grew and lived during 33 years in the City of Buenos Aires.

3 years ago I slowly moved my life to the mountains, 700 mile long from the city.

I have my vegetable garden,  spend all day outdoors, I cook my own bread, do wine, liquors, preserve foods, and some natural medicines.

I have dogs, cats, chickens and live sorrounded of beautiful birds who sing all day, and I hear the sound of water flow from bed.

The quality of life here is invaluable.

I wished someone had told me that I could adapt so easily to this kind of life, and being so happy as I am. And to forget the cities and live in contact with nature.

and to not forget that DREAMS COME TRUE!"... Vómito Attack