• April 7, 2006
  • Posted by Marc

Wooster Roundtable #1: Public Art Funds

Recently we asked a group of people to weigh in on a single question: “IF YOU WERE GIVEN A $20 MILLION FUND TO SPEND ON PUBLIC ARTS PROGRAMS IN YOUR CITY, WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH THE MONEY?”

First of all I would hire the best lawyers of my country. As I consider that urban art has to stay a free expression for artists it is unthinkable for me to create a kind of “foundation” or urban museum where “good and well known artists”  have the possibility to work with. I love the fact that street art is the meeting of “good and bad artists” and an organized program implies a selection between the artists. It is therefore definitely to avoid. So if I had 20 millions of Dollars I would try to corrupt the cops and the politics as “Schindler” did it with the nazis during the ww2. On the other side I would ask the cops to let the artists working in the streets. At the same time I would also create a company to clean up the walls of the city and everybody would be happy: I will create employments for people, the artists will work in freedom in the streets of the city,the cops will get richer,and if I was really cynical I will make some contract with the city to pay for cleaning up the walls….But it is another story…

... Blek le rat

The Live art aspect is closely related to graffiti art.  As a lot of graffiti artists run into street battles and controversy with the “control”. The world is moving to a questionable time and we have to concentrate on the voice of the people and its refinement.  Along with the rising of our democratic inabilities and the shrinking of the artists’ voice we ask for the 20 mill to win the war with wit.  Live art is the new rock and roll with over 75 shows throughout Manhattan and crowds up to 2000 trust the conviction.  Artbattles City is the place that will blow the roof of the structure holding us back as a people.  The location has been found the agreement has been made.  The patron mother of this last art house sees the social need of keeping art in SoHo.  I hope you do to.  Five floors and the basement of this space have been given to beautification of our culture.  We will bring this space to the international community using the fruits of our technological efforts.  With a live art open house training grounds in the basement a gallery, bar and performance space on the first floor we will project live performances during the day and show live performances at night.  The second floor would be a library from a private collection of the buildings owner.  The library will be housed on the second floor of the building, but we plan to remove most of the floor leaving a walkway and the book shelves around the perimeter.  The third and fourth floor will be rented as fully equipped artist studios with movable facilities in order to make the place open for a variety of artistic forms.  The fifth floor will be made into a luxury apartment for our patron saint, Sue Stein.  On the roof, we will make a garden in her honor.  This is realer than real because we all need a place to grow.

.. Sean Bono