• August 19, 2005
  • Posted by Marc

Vitamin_F Mix by C100

This week’s Vitamin_F mix was put together by href="http://www.backyard10.com/">C100 in Germany. If you’re not yet
familiar with the Vitamin_F Podcast series, every Friday we put up an exclusive
mix of music from a different artist from the Wooster Collective website. The
Vitamin_F series is curated by Vinnie

/>Vitamin_f Podcast #17: C100 Mix
Length: 52 min 35 seconds
href="http://www.woostercollective.com/images2/podcasts/vitaminfc100.mp3"> src="http://www.woostercollective.com/images2/listennow.jpg" />

C100 mix Playlist

1. Tosca - Randa Acapricio
2. Talk
Talk - Life’s what you make it
3. Thievery Corporation - Warning Shots
/>4. Munk - B.F.
5. YeahYeahYeahs - Black Tongue
6. Fischerspooner -
7. The Beta Band - Out-Side
8. Mos Def - Zimzallabim
South - Colours in Waves
10. Gorillaz - Fire coming out of the mountain
/>11. Royksopp - Sombre Detune
12. Bloc Party - Compliments

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