• October 30, 2003
  • Posted by Marc

Profile : GALO

Galo, who is originally from Torino, Italia has
been living, lurking and working in Amsterdam for the past 5 years. See what
this fourth Musketeer has to say about things:

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Wooster: Name Galo
Wooster: How long have you been creating street art?:
Since 2000

Wooster: What did you do last night?:

Bombing, drinking, smoking like hell and collapsing in a wild way next to a
gorgeous girl

Wooster: What is your favourite thing to eat for

Pasta with 4 cheeses, Hamon Serrano, Bagna Caoda,

/>Wooster: Who are your favourite fictional character?:
Simpson and Donnie Darko

Wooster: What do you currently have in
your pockets?:

Markers, hash and the keys of my bike

/>Wooster: If you were given “more time,” what would you do with it?:
/> The same things in which I’m involved now

Wooster: What or who
do you love?:

Vicious stuff

Wooster: How did you get
started in creating art for the street?

When, together with Chaz, a
good friend of mine from The London Police, I decided to travel and mess around
the world. Basically I started in an easy and funny way and it became a way of
living and communicate.

Wooster: How did you come up with your
faces? Where do they originate from?

No idea… I think that is a
personal graphic way to express myself my mood and my different feelings…
sometimes my faces are sad sometimes happy…. They may tell you something or
just be a mirror of my filthy stoned attitude…

Wooster: What
other street artists do you most admire and why?

The London Police, D-
face, Bo130, Microbo, Mysterious Al, Spair, Reser of the Top of Torino crew and
all the geezers that work with passions and big nuts mixed together

/>Wooster: What’s your favourite city, neighbourhood, or block to post street
art in?

I like “to go out” in Amsterdam but in this period Berlin and
Barcelona look more fresh and colourful… every day there is always something
new and cool up…it’s exiting!!

Wooster: What inspires you

The world sickness and the crazy way people acts…. I like to
travel around and in every different city I feel inspired from every sign or
trace that I see around me

Wooster: What are you currently working
on? Can you give us a sneak peek?

Actually… I’m trying to chill out
after an amazing summer around in Europe and Japan but I’m working on a project
in Milan and one in Barcelona… I would like to go to support D-face and
Mysterious Al shows in London ... on the 1st of November there is the opening of
my exhibition in Amsterdam and the finissage of collective installation nearby
Rotterdam… so there is a lot going on and I like this shit!


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