• September 10, 2003
  • Posted by Marc

Sickboy’s Ladies Handbag for Amour


When we first heard that the U.K based street artist Sickboy had lent
his artistic talents to a lady’s handbag, our initial reaction was - “What the
fuck??”  But then we saw how cool is was and we were hooked.  We are indeed
diggin’ the handbags. Each one is hand printed, hand painted, hand sewn.

src="http://woostercollective.com/diggin/img/hd_essentials.gif" height="10"
alt="The Essentials" />
Limited Edition of 250

At one time they were available at href="http://www.handbag.com">Handbag.com. Also check for them at href="http://www.artomatic.co.uk">Artomatic in London

Artomatic being closed for the next few weeks, the best thing to do is email
Sickboy at amour@sickboy.uk.com.
He’ll hook you up. For more Sickboy goods, go to his href="http://www.sickboy.uk.com">website